I know that ldap backend does not support NOTIFY (so it neither supports master/slave operation), and that this is due to LDAP specifications (or so). The same problem exists e.g. in BIND9 with sdb (ldap backend).

The non-availability of triggers in openldap (the most widespread ldap server) makes things worse, as external solutions (to trace changes and force AXFRs) are not easily feasible.

However, also knowing that there is a patch for BIND9/sdb/ldap (see here: http://www.pramberger.at/peter/software/patches/) that enables NOTIFY (based on serial number values in SOA record), I was wondering whether we can hope for such a feature in the next pdns release.

Couldn't it be implemented so the administrator would be able to enable it using a setting in pdns.conf: e.g. Master=on ? OK, slaving (with ldap backend) is more complex in implementation, but master operation by comparing serial numbers and sending NOTIFY, sounds feasible.

So, can we hope for such a feature to be included in the next official release or, if you deem this is undesirable due to whatever specs, could it be offered as a patch, as the BIND/sdb one, or even as a Lua script ? (I wish I could do it myself, but I am not a developer; however, I believe this should be included in the code). It would solve significant problems in slave synchronization, when the slave backend cannot be ldap as well.

If not, can you suggest any other good solution(s) to trace ldap record changes and force AXFRs to slaves?

Additional Notes:
1. I didn't like the solution to use slapo-accesslog and trace ldap changes in order to be able to run triggers (suggested e.g. here: http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200703/msg00099.html and elsewhere) 2. A solution to use triggers in openldap indicated by Jan-Piet Mens (here: http://blog.fupps.com/2008/07/11/i-finally-get-openldap-triggers/) is obviously not mature and published. 3. I don't find it a good idea to write an external script to scan (& store & compare) SOA serials in ldap and run it periodically as a cron job. 4. I even thought of this (scientific fiction) scenario; Use multiple instances of pdns on one box: One would be using an ldap slave backend (with native ldap replication). A second would be a slave (to the first instance) using BIND zone files: this would use a very short TTL to allow frequent AXFRs on the same box). Then, a third instance would be configured as a master (to be able to send Notify) using the zone files created by the second instance slave! I don't know if this is technically feasible, but in the end I didn't like this idea either.)


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