Hi all,

I'm looking to build a pdt installation on top of Ganymede M6 (I know that M7 is the latest, i've already go M6).

Using the guidelines on the wiki, I want to install pdt using the new update-manager - sorry if this is long-winded. If there is anything important that i've left out, let me know.

some details:
Os - Ubuntu Hardy
java -version
java version "1.5.0_15"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_15-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_15-b04, mixed mode)

Steps to reproduce:

1. remove ~/.eclipse
2. remove ~/workspace
3. unpack eclipse-jee-ganymede-M6-linux-gtk.tar.gz into /opt/eclipse_3_4_M6
4. set ownership:  chown -R james.users /opt/eclipse_3_4_M6/
4. run /opt/eclipse_3_4_M6/eclipse
Eclipse loads (VERY slowly)
select '/home/james/workspace/' as the workspace.

5. click  'workbench'

I need to set up a network proxy:

6. window->preferences -> general -> network connections
7. select 'manual proxy', enter in the ip and port.
8. click on 'apply' and 'OK'

Attempt to install from update site:
9. help->software updates -> 'available features' -> 'manage sites'
10. there are a number of existing sites including:
  Extension: file:/opt/eclipse_3_4_M6/.pooled
  Extension: file:/home/james/download/eclipse/20080419/eclipse/.pooled

Note: /home/james/download/eclipse/20080419/eclipse/ is where I downloaded the tar.gz to.

11. 'Add' 'http://download.eclipse.org/tools/pdt/updates/' and click 'OK'
  Eclipse does something, presumably checking/verifying the source.
12. Ok
The available feasures screen says "pending" and refreshes with lots of things to install. 13. open 'PDT Features' and select 'PDT Feature - 1.0.2.v20080102-79 ....' click 'install' eclipse attempts to resolves the dependencies and reports that the software I selected may not be valid with the current installation.
14. Select 'yes' to review the problems.
There are unmet dependencies:
Unsatisfied dependency: [org.eclipse.php_feature.feature.group 1.0.2.v20080102-79-7GE7QYGHNGPGY] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.wst.feature.group/[2.0.0,3.0.0) Unsatisfied dependency: [org.eclipse.php_feature.feature.group 1.0.2.v20080102-79-7GE7QYGHNGPGY] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.wst.feature.group/[2.0.0,3.0.0) Unsatisfied dependency: [org.eclipse.php_feature.feature.group 1.0.2.v20080102-79-7GE7QYGHNGPGY] requiredCapability: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.iu/org.eclipse.wst.feature.group/[2.0.0,3.0.0)

Isn't the new update manager supposed to solve this problem, or is the pdt support too new?

What do I need to get pdt installed?

Kind Regards,

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