We call on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. We 
call on mothers, grandmothers, sisters and daughters, on workers, students, 
teachers, healers, artists, writers, singers, poets, and every ordinary 
outraged woman willing to be outrageous for peace. 

Women have been the guardians of life- not because we are better or purer or 
more innately nurturing than men, but because the men have busied themselves 
making war. Because of our responsibility to the next generation, because of 
our own love for our families and communities and this country that we are a 
part of, we understand the love of a mother in Iraq for her children, and the 
driving desire of that child for life. 
Our leaders tell us we that we can easily afford hundreds of billions of 
dollars for this war. But in the United States of America, many of our elders 
who have worked hard all their lives now must choose whether to buy their 
prescription drugs, or food. Our children's education is eroded. The air they 
breathe and the water they drink are polluted. Vast numbers of women and 
children live in poverty. 
If we cannot afford health care, quality education and quality of life, how can 
we afford to squander our resources in attacking a country that is no proven 
immediate threat to us? We face real threats every day: the illness or ordinary 
accident that could plunge us into poverty, the violence on our own streets, 
the corporate corruption that can result in the loss of our jobs, our pensions, 
and our security. 
In Iraq today, a child with cancer cannot get pain relief or medication because 
of sanctions. Childhood diarrhea has again become a major killer. 500,000 
children have already died from inadequate health care, water and food supplies 
due to sanctions. How many more will die if bombs fall on Baghdad, or a ground 
war begins? 
We cannot morally consent to war while paths of peace and negotiation have not 
been pursued to their fullest. We who cherish children will not consent to 
their murder. Nor do we consent to the murder of their mothers, grandmothers, 
fathers, grandfathers, or to the deaths of our own sons and daughters in a war 
for oil. 
We love our country, but we will never wrap ourselves in red, white and blue. 
Instead, we announce a Code Pink alert: signifying extreme danger to all the 
values of nurturing, caring, and compassion that women and loving men have 
held. We choose pink, the color of roses, the beauty that like bread is food 
for life, the color of the dawn of a new era when cooperation and negotiation 
prevail over force. 
We call on all outraged women to join us in taking a stand, now. And we call 
upon our brothers to join with us and support us. These actions will be 
initiated by women, but not limited to women. Stand in the streets and 
marketplaces of your towns with banners and signs of dissent, and talk to your 
neighbors. Stand before your elected representatives: and if they will not 
listen, sit in their offices, refusing to leave until they do. Withdraw consent 
from the warmongers. Engage in outrageous acts of dissent. We encourage all 
actions, from public education and free speech to nonviolent civil disobedience 
that can disrupt the progress toward war.

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