New York Times
December 8, 2002

Iraq Says Report to the U.N. Shows No Banned Arms

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 7 — Iraq today delivered a 12,000-page declaration on 
banned weapons to the United Nations, meeting a Security Council deadline with 
more than 24 hours to spare. Officials said the documents confirmed, in 
rebuttal of American and British claims, that Saddam Hussein's government had 
no weapons of mass destruction and no current programs to develop them. 

Mr. Hussein also chose today to deliver a statement on Kuwait, offering an 
apology to God if Iraq unknowingly harmed the desert kingdom with its invasion 
in 1990. But he coupled that muted climbdown with an appeal to Islamic 
militants in Kuwait — a diverse group with at least some past links to Al 
Qaeda — to join him in fighting the "occupying infidel armies," meaning the 
United States, which he said was preparing to invade Iraq from Kuwait.

"You have seen the intentions of the officials of Kuwait, and of the occupying 
foreigner" with their "hand-in-hand schemes," he said, adding, "Why don't the 
believers, loyalists and holy warriors get together with their counterparts in 
Iraq under the tent of their Creator — instead of the tent of London, 
Washington or the Zionist entity — to discuss first and foremost jihad against 
the infidel armies."

In Washington this afternoon, the Bush administration prepared the C.I.A. and 
the national laboratories to analyze the report as soon as they obtain a copy. 
Underscoring the urgency of the task, they were preparing to compare it with 
intelligence information about Mr. Hussein's known weapons projects before 
inspectors were withdrawn in 1998, and some information — portions of it 
apparently gleaned from defectors — about the programs since. 

The White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer, issued a terse statement noting 
that Mr. Hussein had met the deadline with "what it claims is a declaration of 
its programs to develop chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, ballistic 
missiles, and other delivery systems." National security officials said, 
however, that the declaration must be more than accurate; it must lead United 
Nations inspectors to arms caches, or to irrefutable evidence that they have 
been destroyed.

At a news conference in Baghdad, the Iraqi official in charge of preparing the 
weapons declaration, Maj. Gen. Hussam Muhammad Amin, said the 
documents "verified" the position Iraq had taken ever since the United States 
and Britain, threatening war, accused Baghdad this year of continuing with 
secret nuclear, biological and chemical weapons programs. Iraq contends that it 
has abandoned all such projects and met longstanding demands that it disarm. 

In the new report, General Amin said, "we declare that Iraq is empty of any 
weapons of mass destruction." To hammer the point home, he told reporters 
summoned for an early sighting of the documents at Baghdad University that Mr. 
Hussein had ordered Iraqi officials to be "fair and frank" in the 
declaration. "That means that when we say we have no weapons of mass 
destruction, we are speaking the truth," he said. 

The Iraqi report appears to set the stage for a still sharper confrontation 
between the United States and Iraq, with the ball effectively now back in the 
American court. Senior Bush administration officials have repeatedly said Iraq 
has revived some of the banned weapons programs it has now formally denied, and 
warned that Mr. Hussein would be running the gantlet of war if he returned to 
the patterns of the past, trying to save his secret projects by deceit.

A senior administration official said in an interview in Washington on Friday 
that President Bush had elected to take time to have the Iraqi declaration 
analyzed by the C.I.A. and at weapons laboratories.

Mr. Bush warned in his weekly radio address today that the declaration must 
stand up to American scrutiny if Iraq is to avoid military attack. "We will 
judge the declaration's honesty and completeness only after we have thoroughly 
examined it, and that will take some time," he said.

Late Friday, a senior official speaking at the White House said the 
administration had "significant concerns based on different sources" that Iraq 
was assembling the cascade of centrifuges needed to produce a nuclear weapon 
from highly enriched uranium, the same technology that North Korea is using. 
Clearly American officials will be looking for any hint of such a program in 
the voluminous document, even if Iraq claims that it is for a peaceful purpose. 

The official also made it clear that Mr. Bush would feel free to take military 
action if the administration determines, after its full assessment, that Iraq 
is probably lying. "This is not a court of law," he said. "This is a matter for 
national security, and we have to go with the preponderance of the evidence."

A senior administration official, asked about the evidence, said: "Since 1998, 
there have been a number of pieces of information, intelligence evidence, that 
suggest that a number of these programs not only continue but have 
accelerated." When pressed, he added, "There are things of course that we're 
not going to make public." 

American officials have reiterated in recent days that they believe the best 
way to contradict whatever is in the Iraqi document is to encourage the 
defection of scientists or engineers.

In Baghdad at 8:05 p.m. (12:05 p.m. Eastern time), Iraqi officials delivered 
the documents and additional information on computer disks to United Nations 
officials at the Canal Hotel on the capital's eastern outskirts, converted for 
use as the United Nations headquarters in Iraq. 

Several men in a beige-colored four-by-four carried two bags and four 
cardboards boxes into the building, where they met for a ceremony with United 
Nations weapons-inspection officials. 

The ceremony centered on a gray fiberglass suitcase of the kind used as airline 
carry-on bag, containing a complete set of the documents intended for the 
Security Council. Seated at a table set on a marbled floor, General Amin lifted 
the bag onto the table, opened it and checked off each sheaf of documents with 
a United Nations official.

The general urged his United Nations counterpart to leaf through each document. 
Finally, after both sides signed letters of acknowledgment, the Iraqis tied the 
suitcase with string. They then plugged a cone-shaped sealing machine into a 
power outlet, melted a tumbler-full of red wax and sealed the suitcase for its 
journey to New York. 

The handover put Iraq a full day ahead of a deadline of midnight Sunday that 
the United Nations Security Council set last month in demanding a "currently 
accurate, full and complete" declaration by Iraq of any banned weapons programs 
or related work in nonmilitary fields. Leaders of the inspection team in 
Baghdad, which began work 11 days ago, have said Iraq has delivered at least 
eight previous "full and complete" declarations of its secret weapons programs 
in the last 10 years, only for each to be shown later to have omitted entire 
programs banned under Security Council resolutions. 

United Nations officials said the Iraqi report would be flown out of Baghdad 
early Sunday morning to a United Nations staging post in Larnaca, Cyprus, and 
transferred there to a flight to New York. They said the cargo of spiral-bound 
documents, CD-ROM's and large, snap-shut filing folders would arrive in New 
York around lunchtime on Sunday and be delivered straight to the offices of the 
United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Observation Commission, set up to 
ensure the disarmament of Iraq. 

A second copy of the documents will go to the International Atomic Agency in 
Vienna, which has responsibility for monitoring Iraqi nuclear programs. The New 
York-based inspection agency has the task of searching out and destroying any 
prohibited biological or chemical warfare projects, as well as plans to develop 
ballistic missiles with a range longer than 90 miles. The restrictions were 
imposed after the Kuwait invasion, which led to the Persian Gulf war and Iraq's 
ouster from Kuwait in early 1991. 

Mr. Hussein's statement on Kuwait today contrasted oddly with his speech on 
Thursday, in which he struck a mollifying note on the crisis with the United 
States, saying Iraq should allow the new weapons inspectors to do their work so 
as to prove to the world that Iraq has no banned weapons and to "keep our 
people out of harm's way." 

Today, he returned to his old belligerence. The statement began with a nod to 
Iraq's unpopularity in Kuwait since the 1990 occupation, kept alive in part by 
Iraq's failure to account for 600 Kuwaitis and foreign residents who were 
seized by the Iraqis then and never seen again. Iraq continues to pay hundreds 
of millions of dollars a year in reparations for the damage and injuries it 
caused in 1990.

Saying nobody should think he was doing so "out of weakness," Mr. Hussein went 
on, "We apologize to Allah for any action that may anger the Almighty." 

He then began a tirade against Kuwait's leaders for siding with the United 
States in the crisis with Iraq and for allowing Kuwaiti troops to train with 
Americans along the border with Iraq. "They have betrayed their God after 
having betrayed their Arab nation," he said.

In the weapons crisis, the next crucial stage will come when the Iraqi 
documents are handed over to the United States and other member nations of the 
Security Council, a step that Hans Blix, one of the chiefs of the United 
Nations agencies monitoring Iraqi disarmament, said on Friday could take 
several days. He said the delay would be necessary to give United Nations 
experts time to purge documents of any technical information that, in the wrong 
hands, would lead to "proliferation," meaning the spread of deadly weapons to 
rogue states or terrorists. 

Theoretically, the United States could short-circuit the cumbersome United 
Nations procedures by taking the declaration General Amin made today, that Iraq 
has no banned weapons or weapons programs, and immediately producing the 
detailed intelligence that Mr. Bush has repeatedly said Washington has of the 
existence of such programs. But the American official interviewed on Friday 
said that after the Iraqi documents are reviewed by the C.I.A. and the 
laboratories, it would be compared with "past lists of what was there, to 
previous inspection reports, and to our own intelligence." 

"Eventually we will make our assessment available," said the official, whose 
tone indicated that Mr. Bush was not in any hurry to use the report as a reason 
to go to war. 

United Nations inspectors in Baghdad have said the Iraqi declaration will set 
a "base line" of truth, and that any deceit by Iraq in the declaration could 
open the path to an immediate swoop by the inspectors on sites where banned 
programs are under way.

Even without the new intelligence the United States says it has on secret Iraqi 
weapons sites, the Security Council, once it has the documents, will have an 
immediate benchmark for establishing whether Iraq has made a clean breast of 
its secret weapons work. This benchmark, those officials say, will rest in 
whether Iraq has now accounted for the weapons and weapons materials that 
United Nations inspectors came to know about in the 1990's, but were never able 
to find. 

The list includes 4,000 tons of chemical warfare "precursors," meaning 
materials needed to make anthrax, mustard gas and other weapons, as well as 
hundreds of tons of chemical warfare agents; 31,000 chemical warfare munitions, 
including 550 mustard gas shells; as many as 20 Soviet-made Scud missiles 
adapted by the Iraqis to deliver chemical and biological warheads; and 600 tons 
of precursors for the deadly VX gas, enough to make 200 tons of the gas itself. 
Western experts have said this would be enough to wipe out the entire world 

Asked at the news conference whether the declaration included those allegedly 
missing items, General Amin answered obliquely. "Generally speaking, the 
declaration will answer all the questions that have been raised in the past 
months and years," he said. He appealed several times to the United States and 
Britain to accept that Iraq had now met its obligations under Resolution 1441, 
the weapons-control measure the Security Council approved unanimously on Oct. 8 
under intense American pressure. "If the intention of the United States and 
Britain is to disarm iraq, this should prevent any threat of war," he said. 

Few documents in recent history have been so tensely awaited as the Iraqi 
declaration, and the countdown to the handover suggested that Iraqi officials 
might have had last-minute dramas in putting the huge dossier together. General 
Amin referred glancingly to the strains, saying "tens" of Iraqi scientists and 
officials had worked around the clock for weeks to pull the information 
together. "We feel proud that we fulfilled everything in the specified time," 
he said.

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