Republicans: A Prose Poem
by Eliot Weinberger

"They hate our friends. They hate our values. They hate democracy and
freedom, and individual liberty."
-- President George W. Bush

"I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators."
-- Vice-President Dick Cheney


Thomas Donahue, Director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is a Republican.
He said the newly unemployed should "stop whining."

Alfonso Jackson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, is a
Republican. He explained the enormous cuts to low-income housing by
saying, "Being poor is a state of mind, not a condition."

Rick Santorum, Senator from Pennsylvania, is a Republican. He defended
cuts to child care and welfare by suggesting that "making people struggle
a little bit is not necessarily the worst thing."

Eric Bost, Undersecretary of Food and Nutrition, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, is a Republican. A study by his own agency said that 34
million Americans, including 13.6 million children under the age of 12,
were affected by hunger, but Bost doubts these numbers: "If you ask any
teenager if they're happy about the food they have in their house, what
will they say?" Responding to a report that the number of people seeking
assistance at food pantries in Ohio had increased by 44% in the last three
years, Bost told an Ohio newspaper: "Food pantries don't require
documentation of income. . . so there's no proof everyone asking for
sustenance at a soup kitchen is truly in need."

Dr. Tom Coburn, former Congressman and current candidate for the Senate
from Oklahoma, is a Republican. Dr. Coburn supports the death penalty for
doctors who perform abortions.

Republicans do not like dogs. Major General Geoffrey Miller, former Chief
of Prisons at Guantanamo Bay, now Director of Prisons in Iraq, said that
"at Guantanamo Bay we learned that the prisoners have to earn every single
thing that they have. They are like dogs and if you allow them to believe
at any point that they are more than a dog then you've lost control of

Republicans like dogs. Trent Lott, Senator from Mississippi, was asked
about the use of attack dogs in torturing an Iraqi prisoner. He replied
that there's "nothing wrong with holding a dog up there unless it ate

Republicans have a sense of history. The National Museum of Naval Aviation
now exhibits the actual Navy S-3B Viking fighter jet that carried the
President to the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln for his "Mission
Accomplished" speech. It has "George W. Bush Commander-in-Chief" stenciled
just below the cockpit window.

Republicans are fighting terrorism. Ron Paige, Secretary of Education,
called the National Education Association, with a membership of 2.7
million teachers, a "terrorist organization." Karen Hughes, adviser to the
President, said that, especially after September 11, Americans support
Bush's efforts to ban abortion because "the fundamental issue between us
and the terror network we fight is that we value every life."

Patricia "Lynn" Scarlett, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, is a
Republican. She is the former president of the Reason Foundation, a
libertarian group, and is opposed to recycling, nutritional labeling on
food, consumer "right to know" laws, and restrictions on the use of

D. Nick Rerras, State Senator in Virginia, is a Republican. He believes
that mental illness is caused by demons and, somewhat contradictorily,
that "God may be punishing families by giving children mental illnesses."
He also claims that "thunder and lightning mean God is mad at you."

John Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, is a Republican. In January
2002, he sent a 42-page memo to William Haynes II, Chief Legal Counsel for
the Pentagon, stating that the Geneva Conventions, the War Crimes Act, and
"customary international law" do not apply to the war in Afghanistan. He
was seconded by Alberto Gonzales, White House Legal Counsel, who wrote:
"In my judgment, this new paradigm renders obsolete Geneva's strict
limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of
its provisions." A few days later, the President suspended all rights for
prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

William Haynes II, the recipient of Yoo's memo, is a Republican. As the
Chief Legal Counsel for the Pentagon, he argued that the Defense
Department should be exempt from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and
allowed to test bombs on a Pacific Ocean nesting island. Such bombing, he
said, would please bird-watchers, because it will make the birds more
scarce, and "bird watchers get more enjoyment spotting a rare bird than
they do spotting a common one." Haynes has now been nominated by the
President for a lifetime appointment as a judge on the U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals.

Republicans like children. John Cornyn, Senator from Texas, speaking in
support of the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, said: "It
does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries a box
turtle. But that does not mean it is right. Now you must raise your
children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the
same legal footing as man and wife."

Republicans are optimistic. General Peter Schoomaker, U.S. Army Chief of
Staff, says that, following September 11, "there is a huge silver lining
in this cloud." He explains: "War is a tremendous focus. . . . Now we have
this focusing opportunity, and we have the fact that terrorists have
actually attacked our homeland, which it gives it some oomph."

Republicans do not like children. The President has never bothered to
appoint a director of the Office of Children's Health Protection.

Craig Manson, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, is a Republican. In
charge of overseeing the Endangered Species Act, he has refused to add any
new species to the list. He said: "If we are saying that the loss of
species in and of itself is inherently bad -- I don't think we know enough
about how the world works to say that."

Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor, is a Republican. Her department publishes
a pamphlet with tips to employers about how to avoid paying overtime wages
to workers.

Jack Kahl and his son John Kahl are Republicans and major contributors to
the Republican Party. They are, respectively, the former and current
chairmen and CEOs of Manco, Inc., a company in Avon, Ohio. (Motto: "If
you're not proud of it, don't ship it.") Manco produces 63% of all the
duct tape used in the USA. When the Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom
Ridge, repeatedly urged Americans to buy plastic sheeting and duct tape to
seal their homes from a biological or chemical attack, Manco's sales
increased 40% overnight.

Republicans have a sense of history. Sonny Perdue, the Governor of
Georgia, celebrated his election victory, and the end of Democratic
control, by intoning the words of Martin Luther King: "Free at last, free
at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last!" He gave his speech in
front of a large Confederate flag.

Sue Myrick, Congresswoman from North Carolina, is a Republican. As the
keynote speaker at a Heritage Foundation conference on "The Role of State
and Local Governments in Protecting Our Homeland," she said: "Honest to
goodness, [my husband] Ed and I, for years, for 20 years, have been
saying, 'You know, look at who runs all the convenience stores across the
country.' Every little town you go into, you know?"

Republicans are fighting terrorism. In the village of Prosser, Washington,
a 15-year-old drew some antiwar cartoons in a sketchbook for art class;
one depicted the President as a devil firing rockets. The art teacher
turned the sketchbook over to the principal of the school, who called the
local police chief, who alerted the Secret Service, which sent two agents
to Prosser to interrogate the boy.

John Hostettler, Congressman from Indiana, is a Republican. He was briefly
detained by security at the Louisville, Kentucky, airport, when they found
a loaded Glock-9mm automatic pistol in his briefcase. In 2000, when the
Violence Against Women Act passed Congress by a vote of 415 to 3,
Hostettler was one of the three.

Jeffrey Holmstead, Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation at the
Environmental Protection Agency, is a Republican. A former lawyer for
Montrose Chemical, American Electric Power, and various pesticide
companies, he served under Bush Sr. on the [Dan] Quayle Council on
Competitiveness, devoted to weakening existing environmental, health, and
safety regulations. Holmstead is a member of the Citizens for the
Environment, an organization that promotes "market solutions" to
environmental problems, considers acid rain a myth, and supports the total
deregulation of businesses.

Ed Gillespie is Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He accuses
gays of "intolerance and bigotry" for "attempting to force the rest of the
population to accept alien moral standards."

Al Frink is a Republican. He was appointed to the newly-created position
of Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Manufacturing and Services, to
address the massive loss of jobs to factories overseas. He is the co-owner
of Fabrica, a company that makes expensive carpets for the White House and
the Saudi royal family. (Motto: "The Rolls-Royce of Carpets.") Although
Fabrica has no factories abroad, it has replaced many of its workers with
robots because, as Frink's partner explained, you don't have to pay health
insurance for robots.

There are American soldiers in Iraq who are Republicans. They follow the
instructions to tear out a page from the pamphlet, "A Christian's Duty"
(distributed, with military approval, by the In Touch Ministries), and
mail it to the White House, pledging that they will pray daily for the
Administration. The pamphlet includes a suggested prayer for each day.
"Monday" reads: "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong
and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics".

There are men in Indianapolis, Indiana, who are Republicans, but they
don't look like ordinary people. At a rally promoting Republican economic
policy and its effect on the ordinary person, those standing behind the
President were asked to remove their ties and jackets for the cameras.

Republicans are fighting terrorism. Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota,
wants people arrested at antiwar demonstrations- but not at other
demonstrations- to pay an additional fine, which will be used for
"homeland security expenses."

Republicans do not like children. A little girl asked Richard Riordan,
Secretary of Education for the State of California, if he knew that her
name, Isis, "meant 'Egyptian goddess.'" "It means stupid, dirty girl,"
Riordan replied.

Republicans like ice cream, but they do not like the ice cream made by Ben
& Jerry's, with its notorious support of progressive causes. So they have
created their own brand, Star-Spangled Ice Cream, which has pledged 19% of
its profits to conservative organizations. Among its flavors are I Hate
the French Vanilla, Gun Nut, Smaller GovernMINT, Iraqi Road, and Choc &

Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, is a Republican. He opened the nation's
first Christian prison, where inmates spend their days in prayer and Bible

Republicans like Hummers. Those who purchase a Hummer H-1 for $50,590
receive a tax deduction of $50,590; those who purchase a H-2 for $111,845
receive a deduction of $107,107. "In my humble opinion," said Rick
Schmidt, founder of the International Hummer Owners Group, "the H2 is an
American icon. . . it's a symbol of what we all hold so dearly above all
else, the fact we have the freedom of choice, the freedom of happiness,
the freedom of adventure and discovery, and the ultimate freedom of
expression. Those who deface a Hummer in words or deed deface the American
flag and what it stands for."

Republicans like secrets. Asked by a reporter from a newspaper in Apopka,
Florida, the White House refused to confirm or deny that it had invited
members of the Apopka Little League team to watch a game of T-ball on the
White House Lawn.

Republicans have a sense of history. The officials of Taney County,
Missouri, refused to hang a "plaque of remembrance" honoring a Taney
County resident who died in the World Trade Center on September 11 because
he was a Democrat.

Jerry Regier, Director of the Department of Children and Families for the
State of Florida, is a Republican. He believes that children should be
subject to "manly" discipline, that a "biblical spanking" leading to
"temporary and superficial bruises or welts does not constitute child
abuse," that women should view working outside the home as "bondage," that
Christians should not marry non-Christians, and that "the radical feminist
movement has damaged the morale of many women and convinced men to
relinquish their biblical authority in the home.''

Republicans have a sense of history. Bill Black, Vice Chairman of the
California Republican Party, sent his constituents an article from the
Center for Cultural Conservatism, which read: "Given how bad things have
gotten in the old USA, it's not hard to believe that history might have
taken a better turn. ... The real damage to race relations in the South
came not from slavery, but from Reconstruction, which would not have
occurred if the South had won."

Kathy Cox, Superintendent of Schools for the State of Georgia, is a
Republican. She wants all textbooks in the state to be changed so that the
word "evolution" is replaced with "biological changes over time."

Jim Bunning, Senator from Kentucky, is a Republican. He gets a laugh at
Republican dinners by joking that his opponent in the forthcoming
election, Dan Mongiardo, a son of Italian immigrants, looks like one of
the sons of Saddam Hussein.

Republicans have a sense of history. The only illustrations in the federal
budget, published annually by the Government Printing Office, are normally
charts and graphs. This year, it features 27 color photographs of the
President. He is seen in front of the Washington monument and in front of
a giant American flag, reading to a small child, hacking a trail through
the wilderness, comforting an elderly woman in a wheelchair, and serving
an inedible food-styled Thanksgiving turkey to the troops in Iraq.

Republicans do not like almanacs. On Christmas Eve, the FBI sent a
bulletin to 18,000 police organizations warning them to watch out-- during
traffic stops, searches, and other investigations- for anyone carrying an
almanac. The bulletin stated that "the practice of researching potential
targets is consistent with known methods of al-Qaeda and other terrorist
organizations that seek to maximize the likelihood of operational success
through careful planning." Kevin Seabrooke, senior editor of the World
Almanac, may or may not be a Republican. "I don't think anyone would
consider us a harmful entity," he said.

Republicans like the Rush Limbaugh Show and like having it broadcast to
the troops overseas, five days a week, on the official American Forces
Radio and Television Service network. When it was suggested that they
provide more "balanced" political programming, Sam Johnson, Congressman
from Texas, said that it "sounds a little like Communism to me."

Stephen Downs, age 61, is probably not a Republican. He was shopping at
the Crossgates Mall in Guilderland, New York, when security guards
surrounded him and asked him to leave. Downs was wearing a t-shirt with
the words "Give Peace a Chance." He refused to leave and was arrested for

My friend, a middle-aged white man, is not a Republican. A photographer on
assignment for the National Geographic in Florida, he was taking pictures
of some colorfully painted vans in a parking lot. An hour later he was
arrested. An alert citizen, suspecting possible terrorist
information-gathering activity, had called the police.

Herbert O. Chadbourne is probably a Republican. A professor at the
evangelical Regent University, he developed a facial tic- the result he
said, of exposure to biological or chemical agents when he was a soldier
in the first Gulf War. The university, however, said that the tic was a
sign that he was possessed by a demon, having been cursed by God for
sinfulness, and fired him.

Jeffrey Kofman, reporter for ABC television, may not be a Republican. When
he broadcast a story that morale among American troops in Iraq was
weakening, the White House spread the story that not only is Kofman gay,
he's a Canadian.


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