worldwide apologies:


Kerry should be glad he lost

The British Times
November 04, 2004

FOR THOSE of us who were disappointed, and even horrified, by George W.
Bush’s return to power there was one consolation in yesterday’s result. On
the contrary, the previously unmentionable hope for the supporters of
liberal politics in America, is that Senator Kerry has done the Democratic
Party a favour of immense, historic proportions by losing to Mr Bush. In
military history, it is a commonplace that there are certain battles worth
losing rather than winning — and if ever this were true in politics, then
the 2004 US election would be a case in point.

To see what I mean, step away from America for a moment and consider the
most successful left-of-centre party in the modern world: Britain’s “new”
Labour Party. Now ask yourself what electoral event laid the foundation
for Labour’s success. This would be the 1992 election, in which a
manifestly incompetent Tory Government was unexpectedly and undeservedly
returned to power.

If Neil Kinnock instead of John Major had won the 1992 election, the
devaluation of Black Wednesday would have occurred even sooner. The
monetary crisis which undermined the Tories’ long-established reputation
for economic competence would have been blamed on Labour’s mismanagement.
Black Wednesday (or Monday or Tuesday) would almost certainly have brought
down the Kinnock Government and would unquestionably have ended Labour’s
hopes of ever again becoming a serious party of government. Indeed, as a
very minor contributor to the outcome of the 1992 election through my
articles unravelling Labour’s absurd tax plans, I have often been thanked
by friends in the party for inadvertently helping them to avoid the
terrible fate awaiting them if they had gained power.

So was 2004 a good election to lose, just like 1992 in Britain? Will the
Democrats one day thank John Kerry for losing, just as Labour is grateful
to Mr Kinnock? This seems distinctly possible, given the challenges now
facing America, especially in geopolitics and macroeconomics. Iraq is a
mess which Mr Bush created and it is surely fitting that he should be the
one forced to clean it up. The same is true of ballooning government
deficits, escalating oil prices and the small but growing, threat of a
crisis in the US balance of payments leading to an international run on
the dollar.

Extricating American forces from Iraq will be extremely difficult for Mr
Bush, especially if he tries to maintain significant control over its
foreign policies and its energy resources. Restoring stability to Iraq,
without handing the country over to an overtly anti-Western or theocratic
regime will become even harder if Mr Bush decides to pick a fight with
Iran over nuclear proliferation — or, even worse, if he backs Israel in a
“pre-emptive” military attack. To control America’s public finances will
be equally difficult, given that the President and his party are now
totally committed to ever-lower taxes, ever-more aggressive military
postures and ever-more generous corporate subsidies.

It is quite likely, therefore, that in the next year or two President Bush
could face a military or economic crisis (or both) — and, crucially, that
such a crisis would be analogous to Black Wednesday in its political
effects. If Mr Bush suffered a serious military setback, either in Iraq or
in a broader confrontation involving Iran, Israel and other Middle East
countries (not to mention North Korea or Taiwan), the Republicans would
lose their reputation as the “party of national security”, just as the
British Tories lost their reputation as the party of economic competence
in 1992. The damage to the Republicans’ national security reputation would
be even greater if America were hit by a serious terrorist attack or if
withdrawal from Iraq turned into a disorderly Vietnam-style humiliation.

On the economic front, the Republicans risk disgrace if they raise taxes
or if, as is much more likely in my view, America suffers a financial and
inflationary crisis because of its failure to bring the federal budget
back under control.

But even if the Bush Administration manages to avoid any such disasters,
the analogy with Britain in the early 1990s suggests that the Democrats
should be grateful to stay out of the White House for the next four years.
The electorate’s decision to let Mr Bush clear up his own messes does not
just threaten the incumbent with poetic justice; more importantly it
offers a reprieve from a potential death sentence on the Democrats. If a
newly-elected President Kerry were to suffer a terrorist attack or a
humiliation in Iraq or some kind of fiscal crisis, the political backlash
against the Democrats would be far worse than the damage faced in similar
circumstances by Mr Bush.

For as hard as Mr Kerry would try to blame the Bush legacy for any such
disasters, the public would see them as evidence that the Democrats as a
party are weak on terrorism, prone to defeat in military confrontations
and ideologically committed to higher tax. It is again worth imagining the
public reaction in Britain if it had been the economic policies of Mr
Kinnock, instead of Mr Major, that were blown away by the markets six
months after the election of 1992.

In sum, the next four years could be a good time for the Democrats to let
right-wing Republicans take their policies to their logical conclusion and
beyond. Just as Mr Major took Thatcherism beyond its logical conclusions
with policies such as rail privatisation and the bizarre moralising of
“back to basics”, the Republicans could overreach themselves not only in
economics and foreign policy but also in social and environmental matters
and o n the membership of the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, the Democrats must rebuild their party, unite around an
impressive new leader and wait for Republican mythology to self-destruct
in the face of events. All this will happen in time, very possibly in the
next four years. If so, the Democrats may one day hail Mr Kerry as the man
whose defeat paved the way for Hillary Clinton, just as Labour now reveres
Mr Kinnock as the lucky loser who made possible the triumphs of Tony

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