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    Dear Mr. Gonzales
    By Marjorie Cohn
    t r u t h o u t | Perspective

    Monday 10 January 2005

    Dear Mr. Gonzales,

    You have been rewarded for your unflinching loyalty to George W. Bush
with a nomination for Attorney General of the United States. As White
House Counsel, you have walked in lockstep with the President. As
Attorney General, you will be charged with representing all the people
of the United States. Your performance before the Senate Judiciary
Committee on Thursday verified that you will continue to be a yes-man
for Bush once you are confirmed.

    In the face of interrogation by members of the Committee, you waffled,
equivocated, lied, feigned lack of memory, and even remained silent,
in the face of the most probing questions. Your refusals to answer
prompted Senator Patrick Leahy to say, "Mr. Gonzales, I'd almost think
that you'd served in the Senate, you've learned how to filibuster so

    Even though the Department of Justice retracted the August 2002
torture memo, and replaced it with a new one on the eve of your
confirmation hearing, you still refuse to denounce the old memo's
narrow and illegal definition of torture. You permitted that
definition to remain as government policy for 2 1/2 years, which
enabled the torture of countless prisoners in U.S. custody.

    You continually evaded inquiries about your responsibility for
drafting the now-repudiated memo by portraying yourself as a mere
conduit for legal opinions from the Justice Department's Office of
Legal Counsel. This puzzled Senator Russ Feingold, who said, "If you
were my lawyer, I'd sure want to know your opinion about something
like that."

    Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told you, "I think we've
dramatically undermined the war effort by getting on the slippery
slope in terms of playing cute with the law, because it's come back to
bite us." Indeed, 12 retired professional military leaders of the U.S.
Armed Forces wrote to the Judiciary Committee, expressing "deep
concern" about your nomination because detention and interrogation
operations which you appeared to have "played a significant role in
shaping" have "undermined our intelligence gathering efforts, and
added to the risks facing our troops serving around the world."

    When Senator Graham, an Air Force judge advocate, asked you if you
agreed with a professional military lawyer's opinion that the August
memo may have put our troops in jeopardy, you were tongue tied. You
said nothing for several embarrassing seconds, until Senator Graham
suggested you think it over and respond later.

    When Senator Richard Durbin asked "Do you believe there are
circumstances where other legal restrictions, like the War Crimes Act,
would not apply to U.S. personnel?" you again sat mute for several
seconds, and then asked to respond later.

    It is alarming, Mr. Gonzales, that a lawyer with your pedigree would
be stumped into silence by these questions.

    You have taken the unprecedented step of advising the President that
the Geneva Conventions have become "obsolete." You testified that
since "we are fighting a new type of enemy and a new type of war," you
"think it is appropriate to revisit whether or not Geneva should be
revisited." You admitted preliminary discussions are already underway.

    The 12 former military leaders wrote, "Repeatedly in our past, the
United States has confronted foes that, at the time they emerged,
posed threats of a scope or nature unlike any we had previously faced.
But we have been far more steadfast in the past in keeping faith with
our national commitment to the rule of law."

    Mr. Gonzales, you have concurred in, even commissioned, advice that
led to the following:

Sodomy with a broomstick, chemical light, metal object
Severe beatings

Water boarding (simulated drowning)

Electric shock

Attaching electrodes to private parts

Forced masturbation

Pulling out fingernails

Pushing lit cigarettes into ears

Chaining hand and foot in fetal position without food or water

Forced standing on one leg in the sun

Feigned suffocation

Gagging with duct tape

Tormenting with loud music and strobe lights

Sleep deprivation


Subjecting to freezing/sweltering temperatures

"Dietary manipulation"

Repeated, prolonged rectal exams

Hanging by arms from hooks

Permitting serious dog bites

Bending back fingers

Intense isolation for more than 3 months

Grabbing genitals

Severe burning

Stacking of naked prisoners in pyramids

Injecting with drugs

Leaving bullet in body of wounded prisoner

Taping naked prisoner to board

Shooting into containers with men inside

Keeping prisoners in small, outdoor cages

Pepper spraying in face

Forcing heads into toilets and flushing

Threatening live burial, drowning, electrocution, rape and death

Beating prisoners to death

Killing wounded prisoners

Throwing off bridge into river and drowning



    Saddam Hussein would be proud of you, Mr. Gonzales.

    Perhaps most alarming was your response to Senator Durbin's question,
"Can U.S. personnel legally engage in torture under any
circumstances?" You answered, "I don't believe so, but I'd want to get
back to you on that." You failed to give a categorical "no" answer.
You surely know, Mr. Gonzales, that the Convention Against Torture
prohibits torture at any time. That treaty, ratified by the United
States and therefore part of the Supreme law of the land under the
Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, says, "No exceptional
circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war,
internal political instability, or any other public emergency, may be
invoked as a justification for torture."

    Mr. Gonzales, based on your record and your performance before the
Senate Judiciary Committee, I have critical concerns about your
appointment as Attorney General. I believe you would stand mute if
George W. Bush told you he planned to collapse the three branches of
government into one, destroying the Constitutional separation of
powers. Even though Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution gives
only Congress the authority "to make Rules concerning Captures on Land
and Water," you refused to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that
the President is not above the law. You think the President has the
power to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional. You would
rationalize the torture of prisoners.

    Where even the strident John Ashcroft thought prisoners in United
States custody are entitled to due process, you designed the military
tribunals to deny it to them.

    As counsel to Texas Governor George W. Bush, you wrote abbreviated
clemency memos in capital cases omitting crucial defenses such as
ineffective assistance of counsel, even evidence of factual innocence.
Your counsel led Bush to deny pardons in 56 of 57 death penalty cases.

    You sat before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the American people
for seven hours with a smug grin on your face, lying to us, knowing
you will be confirmed.

    Your testimony led the New York Times to opine, "Mr. Bush had made the
wrong choice when he rewarded Mr. Gonzales for his loyalty," and the
conservative Washington Post to say, "The message Mr. Gonzales left
with senators was unmistakable: As attorney general, he will seek no
change in practices that have led to the torture and killing of scores
of detainees and to the blackening of U.S. moral authority around the
world." The Post concluded, "Those senators who are able to reach
clear conclusions about torture and whether the United States should
engage in it have reason for grave reservations about Mr. Gonzales."

    You will have the distinction of being the first Latino Attorney
General of the United States. You come from humble roots in Humble,
Texas. You should understand the struggles of people of color, yet you
have turned your back on them. As overseer of the policies that led to
the torture of myriad people of color in Iraq, Afghanistan and
Guantánamo Bay, you have betrayed your roots.

    Your actions have shamed us in the eyes of the world and endangered
our fighting men and women.

    You do not deserve to be our country's top prosecutor, head of the
Department of Justice, charged with protecting our civil rights.

    Mr. Gonzales, you should be ashamed.

    Marjorie Cohn, a contributing editor to t r u t h o u t, is a
professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, executive vice president
of the National Lawyers Guild, and the U.S. representative to the
executive committee of the American Association of Jurists.


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