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Congress passes `doomsday' plan
By Noelle Straub
Sunday, January 9, 2005

WASHINGTON - With no fanfare, the U.S. House has passed a controversial
doomsday provision that would allow a handful of lawmakers to run Congress
if a terrorist attack or major disaster killed or incapacitated large
numbers of congressmen.

     ``I think (the new rule) is terrible in a whole host of ways - first,
I think it's unconstitutional,'' said Norm Ornstein, a counselor to
the independent Continuity of Government Commission, a bipartisan
panel created to study the issue. ``It's a very foolish thing to do,
I believe, and the way in which it was done was more foolish.''  But
supporters say the rule provides a stopgap measure to allow the
government to continue functioning at a time of national crisis.

     GOP House leaders pushed the provision as part of a larger rules
package that drew attention instead for its proposed ethics changes,
most of which were dropped.

     Usually, 218 lawmakers - a majority of the 435 members of Congress -
are required to conduct House business, such as passing laws or
declaring war.  But under the new rule, a majority of living
congressmen no longer will be needed to do business under
``catastrophic circumstances.''  Instead, a majority of the
congressmen able to show up at the House would be enough to conduct
business, conceivably a dozen lawmakers or less.  The House speaker
would announce the number after a report by the House Sergeant at
Arms. Any lawmaker unable to make it to the chamber would effectively
not be counted as a congressman.

     The circumstances include ``natural disaster, attack, contagion or
similar calamity rendering Representatives incapable of attending the
proceedings of the House.''  The House could be run by a small number
of lawmakers for months, because House vacancies must be filled by
special elections. Governors can make temporary appointments to the

     Rep. Brian Baird (D-Wash.), one of few lawmakers active on the issue,
argued the rule change contradicts the U.S. Constitution, which
states that "a majority of each (House) shall constitute a quorum to
do business.  "Changing what constitutes a quorum in this way would
allow less than a dozen lawmakers to declare war on another nation,''
Baird said.


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