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London Times
23 March 2005

Death at 'Immoral' Picnic in the Park
Students are Beaten to Death for Playing Music as Shia Militiamen Run Amok
        by Katherine Philp

THE students had begun to lay out their picnic in the spring sunshine when
the men attacked.

“There were dozens of them, armed with guns, and they poured into the
park,” Ali al-Azawi, 21, the engineering student who had organised the
gathering in Basra, said.

“They started shouting at us that we were immoral, that we were meeting
boys and girls together and playing music and that this was against Islam.

“They began shooting in the air and people screamed. Then, with one order,
they began beating us with their sticks and rifle butts.” Two students
were said to have been killed.

Standing over them as the blows rained down was the man who gave the
order, dressed in dark clerical garb and wearing a black turban. Ali
recognised him immediately as a follower of Hojatoleslam Moqtada al-Sadr,
the radical Shia cleric. Ali realised then that the armed men were members
of Hojatoleslam al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, a private militia that fought
American forces last year and is now enforcing its own firebrand version
of Islam.

The picnic had run foul of the Islamist powers that increasingly hold sway
in the fly-blown southern city, where religious militias rule the streets,
forcing women to don the veil and closing down shops that sell alcohol or

In the election in January, the battle between secular and religious
forces in Basra came down to the ballot box. The main Shia alliance
triumphed with 70 per cent of the province’s vote, most of the rest going
to a secular rival.

That victory has brought to a head the issue of whether Iraq’s new
constitution will adopt Islamic law — or Sharia — as most religious Shia
leaders desire.

In Basra, however, Islamic militias already are beginning to apply their
own version of that law, without authority from above or any challenge
from the police.

Students say that there was nothing spontaneous about the attack. Police
were guarding the picnic in the park, as is customary at any large public
gathering, but allowed the armed men in without any resistance.

One brought a video camera to record the sinful spectacle of the picnic,
footage of which was later released to the public as a warning to others.

It showed images of one girl struggling as a gunman ripped her blouse off,
leaving her half-naked. “We will send these pictures to your parents so
they can see how you were dancing naked with men,” a gunman told her. Two
students who went to her aid were shot — one in the leg, the other twice
in the stomach. The latter was said to have died of his injuries. Fellow
students say that the girl later committed suicide. Another girl who was
severely beaten around the head lost her sight.

Far from disavowing the attack, senior al-Sadr loyalists said that they
had a duty to stop the students’ “dancing, sexy dress and corruption”.

“We beat them because we are authorised by Allah to do so and that is our
duty,” Sheik Ahmed al-Basri said after the attack. “It is we who should
deal with such disobedience and not the police.”

After escaping with two students, Ali reached a police station and asked
for help. “What do you expect me to do about it?” a uniformed officer

Ali went to the British military base at al-Maakal and pleaded with the
duty officer at the gate. “You’re a sovereign country now. We can’t help.
You have to go to the Iraqi authorities,” the soldier replied.

When the students tried to organise demonstrations, they were broken up by
the Mehdi Army. Later the university was surrounded by militiamen, who
distributed leaflets threatening to mortar the campus if they did not call
off the protests.

When the militia began to set up checkpoints and arrest students, Ali fled
to Baghdad.

A British spokesman said that troops were unable to intervene unless asked
to by the Iraqi authorities.

Colonel Kareem al-Zeidy, Basra’s police chief, pleaded helplessness. “What
can I do? There is no government, no one to give us authority,” he said.
“The political parties are the most powerful force in Basra right now.”

The students have begun an indefinite strike, but fear that there is
little that they can do to stop the march of violent fundamentalism.
Saleh, 21, another engineering student, said: “If this is how they deal
with the most educated in Basra, how would they deal with ordinary people?
The soul of our city is at stake.”


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