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Bush's Press Conference: Little News, One Big Problem
by David Corn

The Nation

There was not much news in George W. Bush's fourth primetime press
conference. He acknowledged he could do nothing much about the high price
of gas except to plead with the Saudis and other oil producers to boost
production. He predictably called on Congress to pass an energy bill that
would lead to more drilling and an expansion of nuclear power. While
paying lip service to conservation, he only referred to developing
technology that would save energy; he did not mention changing consumption

On Social Security, Bush stuck with privatized accounts, but he also
advocated--in the only substantial news of the evening--means-testing cost
of living adjustments for Social Security benefits, raising the prospect
of real cuts for a majority of future beneficiaries. He tried to sugarcoat
this hard-to-swallow news two way. First, he vowed that future recipients
will receive benefits equal or greater to those being handed out today.
But that was spin, for this carefully constructed explanation ignored the
need to boost benefits to keep pace with inflation. Equal benefits would
mean reduced benefits in real terms. Second, he suggested those who opt
for a private account would end up making enough to compensate for the
cuts, but polls show that a majority of Americans do not buy this
argument. It may make policy sense--though not political sense--to turn
Social Security into an outright welfare program: benefits for those who
need them, less or none for the well-off. But Bush's vague proposal won't
sell on Capital Hill or beyond. How many Republicans are eager to snatch
benefits from middle- or high-income Americans? Minutes after Bush
finished, Senator Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican from Kansas,
was asked whether he would support a sliding scale for cost of living
increases in Social Security benefits, and he said, "I don't think that's
the route we ought to be going."

So with the two free throws Bush had before the questioning began, he
failed to score. And during the course of the hour-long press conference,
he misled the public on several key facts.

In discussing Social Security, Bush once more said that come 2041 the
program will be "bankrupt." That makes it sound as if there will be no
money available for retirees. At that point in time--or, according to
estimates produced by the Congressional Budget Office, in 2051--the
program will be able to give retirees 70 percent of the scheduled
benefits. That's a problem, but it's not bankruptcy. Bush also repeated
another false factoid about Social Security, claiming that "every year we
wait" to reform Social Security it costs an additional $600 billion. As
the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities and others--including the
American Academy of Actuaries-- have pointed out, this is a phony number.
The actuaries noted that when members of the public hear such a figure
they are likely to "be misled into believing that the program's financial
situation is deteriorating and the cost of restoring actuarial balance is
increasing, even if this is not the case."


Don't forget about DAVID CORN's BLOG at Read recent
postings on the ammo the Democrats should fire at Bolton, DeLay's recent
troubles, Seymour Hersh's claim there is "no hope for Iraq," the lame
questions newspaper editors tossed at Bush, and the latest on the
banned-in Arkansas controversy.


Talking about energy, Bush pushed for drilling in the Alaska wilderness,
and he used an untrue argument that proponents of drilling have been
tossing around for years. He said that the wilderness area encompasses 19
million acres, yet the drilling would only affect 2000 acres. Sounds like
a drop in the bucket. But this 2000-acre figure was discredited long ago,
for it only covers the area on which equipment touches the ground. It does
not include, for example, all the land that would be used for pipelines
and roads. By this method of measurement, a car takes up only several
square inches of space--the area where the rubber hits the road.

Overall, the the press conference was not a grand performance--for either
Bush or the reporters. The questions were not that sharp. And Bush was
usually able to pull the rip cord for his same-old rhetoric. Asked about
the controversial practice of renditions--under which terrorist suspects
are sent by the CIA to other countries where torture may be conducted--he
said, "We operate under the law," and he asserted, "We're going to do
everything we can to protect us." One reporter simply wondered what Bush's
view of the economy is at the moment. In response, Bush discussed the
hardship imposed on small business by high gas prices. What about the
National Education Association's lawsuit against the No Child Left Behind
Act. The legislation is working, he insisted. North Korea and nuclear
weapons? We're working through the six-party talks, he responded. John
Bolton? A fine fellow who "isn't afraid to speak his mind." No one asked
him to defend Tom DeLay or the administration's fantasy budget numbers.

On Iraq, Bush didn't deviate from his happy-talk approach: "I believe
we're making really good progress." He declined to address the fact that
insurgent attacks have returned to the high levels of last year. And he
has yet to acknowledge in public that various military experts say that
the insurgency can continue for years (perhaps decades) and that it could
also take several years to train an Iraqi security force. When might US
troops be withdrawn? As soon, he said, as Iraqis are "able to fight."
Asked about the rise in the number of terrorist attacks worldwide last
year--statistics that the State Department refused to release--Bush ran
for cover, repeating his index-card rhetoric that it is necessary to fight
terrorists abroad so they do not have to be confronted at home. It was a
non sequitur. He refused--yet again--to criticize Russian leader Vladimir
Putin for taking antidemocratic steps, noting that both he and Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice recently had good chats with "Vladimir" about
democracy. He refused to denounce Russia's decision to supply Iran with
highly-enriched uranium for a nuclear power plant. He noted that "Vladimir
is trying to help" Iran with its power needs and that Russia would collect
the uranium after it was used. "I appreciate that gesture," he added. How

Perhaps the most interesting exchange came after NBC's David Gregory asked
Bush to comment on the remark of a social conservative who said that the
Democrats' filibustering of Bush's judicial nominees was an "attack
against people of faith." Did Bush agree with that? Bush first replied
that he believed that those who oppose his nominees do so because they
"don't like the judicial philosophy of the people I'm nominating." But
when Gregory pressed him about that particular remark, Bush said, "I don't
agree with it." Was this a purposeful slap in the face of the James Dobson
crowd? Chris Matthews breathlessly asked later. Probably not. But, no
doubt, the White House was already figuring out what wet-kiss to plant on
the social conservatives to make up for this moment.

With this press conference, Bush likely did little to boost his record-low
approval ratings. And he did not do much to help his crusade to remake
Social Security. He might have even shot himself in the foot--all while
reporters looked on and rarely forced him into any difficult moments.
Perhaps next time--if Bush ever schedules another primetime Q&A with the
press--White House reporters can just ask Bush to talk for an hour about
whatever is in the newspaper that day and see what happens.


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