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New York Times
May 1, 2005

U.S. Recruits a Rough Ally to Be a Jailer

even months before Sept. 11, 2001, the State Department issued a human
rights report on Uzbekistan. It was a litany of horrors.

The police repeatedly tortured prisoners, State Department officials
wrote, noting that the most common techniques were "beating, often with
blunt weapons, and asphyxiation with a gas mask." Separately,
international human rights groups had reported that torture in Uzbek jails
included boiling of body parts, using electroshock on genitals and
plucking off fingernails and toenails with pliers. Two prisoners were
boiled to death, the groups reported. The February 2001 State Department
report stated bluntly, "Uzbekistan is an authoritarian state with limited
civil rights."

Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, however, the Bush administration
turned to Uzbekistan as a partner in fighting global terrorism. The
nation, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia, granted the United
States the use of a military base for fighting the Taliban across the
border in Afghanistan. President Bush welcomed President Islam Karimov of
Uzbekistan to the White House, and the United States has given Uzbekistan
more than $500 million for border control and other security measures.

Now there is growing evidence that the United States has sent terror
suspects to Uzbekistan for detention and interrogation, even as
Uzbekistan's treatment of its own prisoners continues to earn it
admonishments from around the world, including from the State Department.

The so-called rendition program, under which the Central Intelligence
Agency transfers terrorism suspects to foreign countries to be held and
interrogated, has linked the United States to other countries with poor
human rights records. But the turnabout in relations with Uzbekistan is
particularly sharp. Before Sept. 11, 2001, there was little high-level
contact between Washington and Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, beyond the
United States' criticism.

Uzbekistan's role as a surrogate jailer for the United States was
confirmed by a half-dozen current and former intelligence officials
working in Europe, the Middle East and the United States. The C.I.A.
declined to comment on the prisoner transfer program, but an intelligence
official estimated that the number of terrorism suspects sent by the
United States to Tashkent was in the dozens.

There is other evidence of the United States' reliance on Uzbekistan in
the program. On Sept. 21, 2003, two American-registered airplanes - a
Gulfstream jet and a Boeing 737 - landed at the international airport in
Tashkent, according to flight logs obtained by The New York Times.

Although the precise purpose of those flights is not known, over a span of
about three years, from late 2001 until early this year, the C.I.A. used
those two planes to ferry terror suspects in American custody to countries
around the world for questioning, according to interviews with former and
current intelligence officials and flight logs showing the movements of
the planes. On the day the planes landed in Tashkent, the Gulfstream had
taken off from Baghdad, while the 737 had departed from the Czech
Republic, the logs show.

The logs show at least seven flights were made to Uzbekistan by those
planes from early 2002 to late 2003, but the records are incomplete.

Details of the C.I.A.'s prisoner transfer program have emerged in recent
months from a handful of former detainees who have been released,
primarily from prisons in Egypt and Afghanistan, and in some cases have
alleged they were beaten and tortured while being held.

The program was created in the mid-1980's as a way for the C.I.A. to
transfer crime suspects arrested abroad to their home countries. After
Sept. 11, the C.I.A. used it to send prisoners suspected of being senior
leaders of Al Qaeda to a half-dozen countries for detention. American
intelligence officials estimate that the United States has transferred 100
to 150 suspects to Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
and Uzbekistan.

A senior C.I.A. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he
would not discuss whether the United States had sent prisoners to
Uzbekistan or anywhere else. But he said: "The United States does not
engage in or condone torture. It does not send people anywhere to be
tortured. And it does not knowingly receive information derived from

Ilkhom Zakirov, a spokesman for the Uzbekistan Foreign Ministry in
Tashkent, also declined to comment on whether Uzbekistan accepted terror
suspects from the United States. He declined to address the accusations
from human rights groups. But human rights activists say that because
Uzbekistan's record is well known, it raises questions about why the
C.I.A. would send suspects there.

"If you talk to anyone there, Uzbeks know that torture is used - it's
common even in run-of-the-mill criminal cases," said Allison Gill, a
researcher for Human Rights Watch who is working inside Uzbekistan.
"Anyone in the United States or Europe who does not know the extent of the
torture problem in Uzbekistan is being willfully ignorant."

Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, said he learned
during his posting to Tashkent that the C.I.A. used Uzbekistan as a place
to hold foreign terrorism suspects. During 2003 and early 2004, Mr. Murray
said in an interview, "C.I.A. flights flew to Tashkent often, usually
twice a week."

In July 2004, Mr. Murray wrote a confidential memo to the British Foreign
Office accusing the C.I.A. of violating the United Nations' Prohibition
Against Torture. He urged his colleagues to stop using intelligence
gleaned in Uzbekistan from terrorism suspects because it had been elicited
through torture and other coercive means. Mr. Murray said he knew about
the practice through his own investigation and interviews with scores of
people who claimed to have been brutally treated inside Uzbekistan's

"We should cease all cooperation with the Uzbek security services - they
are beyond the pale," Mr. Murray wrote in the memo, which was obtained by
The Times.

Mr. Murray, who has previously spoken publicly about prisoner transfers to
Uzbekistan, said his superiors in London were furious with his questions,
and he was told that the intelligence gleaned in Uzbekistan could still be
used by British officials, even if it was elicited by torture, as long as
the mistreatment was not at the hands of British interrogators. "I was
astonished," Mr. Murray said in an interview. "It was as if the goal posts
had moved. Their perspective had changed since Sept. 11."

A Foreign Office spokesman declined to address Mr. Murray's allegations.
Last year, Mr. Murray resigned from the Foreign Office, which had
investigated accusations that he mismanaged the embassy in Tashkent. An
inquiry into those allegations was closed without any disciplinary action
being taken against him.

The relationship between Washington and Tashkent was formalized at a March
2002 Oval Office meeting between President Bush and President Karimov.
Muhammad Salih, the leader of Uzbekistan's pro-democracy Erk Democratic
Party, who is living in exile in Germany, said the relationship had
strengthened Mr. Karimov's hand.

"It's been a great opportunity for Karimov," Mr. Salih said. "But
President Bush has to also think about human rights and democracy. If he
wants to have a collaboration on antiterror matters, he should not close
his eyes on other things that Uzbekistan is doing, like torture."

At a news conference last month, President Bush was asked what Uzbekistan
could do in interrogating a suspect that the United States could not.

"We seek assurances that nobody will be tortured when we render a person
back to their home country," Mr. Bush said.

The State Department and human rights groups have continued to report on
human rights abuses against Uzbeks in prison.

The State Department's latest human rights report on Uzbekistan, issued in
February, said: "Torture was common in prisons, pretrial facilities, and
local police and security service precincts." In addition, the State
Department report noted that in 2003 the United Nations Special Rapporteur
on Torture "concluded that torture or similar ill-treatment was

Amnesty International and other groups have documented specific cases. In
the summer of 2002, Amnesty International reported, Fatima Mukhadirova, a
62-year-old Tashkent shopkeeper, was sentenced to six years of hard labor
after denouncing the government for the death of her son, Muzafar Avozov,
in a Tashkent prison.

An independent examination of photographs of the body, conducted by the
University of Glasgow, showed that Mr. Avozov died after being immersed in
boiling water, human rights groups reported. The examination said his head
had been beaten and his fingernails removed.

Human rights activists pressed for Ms. Mukhadirova's release. She was
freed shortly before a planned visit by Secretary of Defense Donald H.
Rumsfeld in February 2004.

Human rights activists say that the United States has a difficult
balancing act to maintain in its dealings with Uzbekistan.

"The relationship between the U.S. and Uzbekistan is problematic," Ms.
Gill of Human Rights Watch said. "It can be useful that the U.S. is
powerful enough to push for certain concessions. That being said, the U.S.
should not be saying that Karimov is a partner, is an ally, is a friend.
The U.S. should send the message that Uzbekistan won't be considered to be
a good ally of the United States unless it respects human rights at home."

The delicate diplomatic balance played out in the early spring of 2004,
after a series of suicide bombings in Tashkent killed 47 people, many of
them Uzbek police officers. The government cracked down against people on
religious grounds, setting off international condemnation.

Three months later, despite the urgings of the Uzbek foreign minister,
Sodik Safoyev, the State Department said it would cut $18 million in
military and economic aid to Uzbekistan because of its failure to improve
its human rights record.

But the next month, on Aug. 12, 2004, Gen. Richard B. Myers, the chairman
of the Joint Chief of Staffs, visited Tashkent. He met with President
Karimov and other officials, and he announced that the Pentagon would
provide an additional $21 million to help Uzbekistan in its campaign to
remove its stockpile of biological weapons.

General Myers said the United States had "benefited greatly from our
partnership and strategic relationship with Uzbekistan."

While he noted that there were genuine concerns about Uzbekistan's human
rights record, General Myers said: "In my view, we shouldn't let any
single issue drive a relationship with any single country. It doesn't seem
to be good policy to me."

Souad Mekhennet contributed reporting from Frankfurt for this article, and
Stephen Grey from London.


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