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Today's commentary:

Strengthening Democracy?
By Ted Glick

About a month ago the Center for Democracy and Election Management at
American University in D.C. announced that on April 18th at A.U. a
"private commission," the Commission on Federal Election Reform,
co-chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker III, would be holding the first
of two "public hearings."

This announcement created an immediate buzz within the national network of
election reform groups around the country, and we began working to find
out more. We were uniformly skeptical. The involvement of James Baker, key
architect of Bush/Cheney's selection by five Supreme Court justices in
2000, was the first red flag. Further digging by members of Velvet
Revolution revealed that two other members of this "private commission"
have ties to Baker's law firm and that another is chair of a voter
verification machine company that profits from the use of electronic
voting machines with no voter-verified paper ballot.

And then there's the absence of Rep. John Conyers or anyone with a similar
background. Conyers played a central role in the investigation and
publicizing of the massive voting irregularities in Ohio last year.
Virtually all of the irregularities uncovered by the Conyers investigation
benefited Bush/Cheney.

Prior to the April 18th hearing Conyers' office put out a press release
which said, in part, "I have written to President Carter expressing my
concerns about his co-chair, James Baker III. To many, the deck seems to
be stacked against traditional civil rights concerns and voter verified
paper ballots, and in favor of wealthy corporate voting machines companies
and right wing operatives who have advocated Jim Crow-style tactics, such
as partisan challengers at the polls and new and needless voter ID
requirements. . ."

Conyers was very prescient. When the "public hearings" convened on the
18th, observed by a tightly screened "public" in a small room at American
U., a major focus of testimony by several of the 12 people given time to
speak was the issue of "voter fraud."

Was "voter fraud" a major problem in 2004? Were there widespread reports
of individual voters scamming the system and voting more than once? Or
voters deliberately registering to vote in several localities so they
could vote several times? Or voters using phony identification to get
themselves onto voter rolls they'd otherwise not be on?

The answer is no, to all these and similar questions. But James Baker was
quick to use the testimony on this "issue" by Wall Street Journal man John
Fund and Arnold Schwarzenegger-connected lawyer Colleen McAndrews to push
the idea of a national voter i.d. card.

It's like the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction leading to war and
occupation in Iraq. Not as brutal and violent, but the same idea:
virtually non-existent voter fraud leading to more big brother control and
a restriction of democratic participation.

All was not negative on this day in D.C. A number of the people who
testified supported a number of the proposals of the voting rights and
electoral reform groups, including: voter-verified paper ballots (Carter
himself made positive statements in this regard), open source code for
electronic voting machines, unified national standards, election day
registration, non-partisan administration of electoral systems, equal
protection for voting rights, strengthening and reauthorization of the
Voting Rights Act and making election day a federal holiday.

Then there was the revealing statement of Jimmy Carter, as paraphrased by
journalist David Swanson, that, "the United States fails the standards
that the Carter Center requires of other countries, not just because the
United States lacks national election standards, but also because this
country does not provide candidates with free access to the news media."

And the pro-democracy movement made its presence felt with a small but
visible protest that was clearly noticed by the commissioners and which
led to media coverage from a number of press outlets.

The commission will be holding another hearing on James Baker's home turf,
Houston, Texas, on June 30th. They plan to issue a set of recommendations
to Congress by September.

Pro-democracy organizers plan to be present at the June 30th event. More
importantly, they will continue to communicate and coordinate to keep the
pressure on for a wide range of needed reforms, including reforms that
were not mentioned in D.C. like Instant Runoff Voting, public financing, a
constitutional right to vote, fair ballot access laws and access to
debates for all candidates. A shadow Citizen's Commission on Federal
Election Reform is being actively considered. Plans are underway for a
national organizers conference possibly in August in connection with a
Rainbow/PUSH celebration of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the
Voting Rights Act. And around the country local and state groups continue
to educate and organize on these issues.

James Baker III may end up strengthening democracy in this country but not
through his role on this private commission. It will be because the
outrage of his being appointed as commission co-chair, the way he and his
cronies acted during the commission hearings, and the blatancy of his
tactics to thwart true electoral reform have energized the new voting
rights movement that coalesced after the electoral tragedy last November
2nd. The Bush/Cheney/Baker phalanx may have gotten over once around WMD's,
but there is a determined national movement which will fight them every
way we can when it comes to their efforts to undercut what many people
have died for in this country, the right to vote.

Ted Glick is active with the Independent Progressive Politics Network
( and the Climate Crisis Coalition
( He can be reached at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or P.O. Box 1132, Bloomfield, N.J. 07003.


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