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Listen to America's Voices
by Jeffrey Feldman

Listening is the heart of accountability, not some fog of PR gimmicks
designed to hide the President from the pain of the people.

We're too busy.

This is not the time to talk.

These three sentences represent the logic that the White House is using to
dodge any attempt by the American public to find out how the choices and
actions of President Bush's government resulted in the deaths of so many
people in Louisiana.

By repeating over and over again that `there will be a time' to answer
questions--but not right now--the White House has all but succeeded in
distracting the public into thinking that it is somehow immoral to talk
about this tragedy.  At yesterday's White House Press Briefing, Scott
McLellan repeated these `time' phrases so many times that I lost count. 
And as of this morning, the news has become saturated with the `time'

Meanwhile, as we have all figured out, the White House political team has
launched a `when did you stop beating your wife' campaign aimed at the
Mayor of New Orleans.  To pin blame on Mayor Nagin, Republicans everywhere
are repeating phrases that sound like this: `I'm not saying we should
blame the Mayor of New Orleans.'  So, in addition to using the `time'
frame to dodge questions about themselves, the White House is also using
it to create space for them to turn full fury of the White House against a
local politician whose city was just destroyed.

In the days ahead, it is hard to know what will be more foul for Americans
to endure: the death toll reported after the water is drained from New
Orleans, or the wave of racist hatred that will be leveled against Mayor
Nagin.  Americans need to step back from the direction the White House has
shoved the debate in order to return to the issues that matter to us right
now.  We need to understand the `time' frame and reframe the debate.

The `time' frame works by falsely defining time as a closed system or zero
sum game.  It follows the logic [time] is [a bag of beans].  If we put
some of the beans over here, well, then we cannot possibly put them over
there.  This time frame works so well on Americans because most of us are
overextended in our personal or professional schedules.  We `ration' our
time or `divide' our time or make sure we have `enough time left' to do
the things we want.

Once we are convinced that time is something finite that needs to be
rationed, then we are ready and willing to judge others for `wasting' time
on the `wrong' things.

Before we turn to an alternative, it is important for all Americans who
care about what happened in the Gulf States to stop falling into this
`time' frame right away.  Let's start by working out way out of it--by
reminding ourselves of what `time' meant before the White House political
team turned it into a PR gimmick.

`Time' was an important issue last week when the President and his entire
cabinet were using their vacation `time' instead of working to save
American lives.

`Time' was an important issue when it was just a matter of hours before a
dozen more Americans died from dehydration and shock waiting for relief
from their President.

`Time' was an important issue when reporter after reporter on American
television asked `Why is it taking so long for President Bush to feed his
starving and stranded people.

`Time' was an important issue when year after year, scholars and officials
warned that it was just `a matter of time' before a hurricane broke the
New Orleans levees, while the White House ignored these warnings and
transfered money from America's `prevent national tragedy' account to
George W. Bush's `start a blind war in Iraq' account.
`Time' was an issue last week.  But `time' is no longer the issue.

The real issue is `accountability.'   And we must talk about it all the time.

We must remember that Americans do not need permission from the White
House to talk about accountability.  We do not need to ask if it is OK to
express our grief and concern for other Americans in need.

We must remember that while the President was strumming a guitar, while
the Secretary of Defense was joking with friends at a baseball game, while
the Secretary of State was enjoying a musical comedy on Broadway--the
American people, including the mainstream press, were pulling their hair
out with fear and worry about the fate of those in the Gulf States.
We must remember that it took a full solid week of grim pictures on TV, a
nation that stayed awake in tears, thousands of activists and
entrepreneurs stepping away from their lives to rush to the aid of the
fallen--it took all that to get the White House's attention.

We must remember that it was not until the American people shamed the
President of the United States for his lack of basic human kindness, that
the White House political team began to flood the media with pictures of
the President, and the First Lady, and the Cabinet members--posing with
anyone who was not too angry or emotional to even be in the same room.

We must remember that it was the American people--not the President--the
American people--not the White House--who have driven this mass effort to
help the people of New Orleans.

And so we must stop asking for permission to discuss what happened--what
is still happening--and just do it.
But how do we do it?  How do we talk about such an abstract concept as
`accountability' in a way that is true to what Americans are feeling?

Ironically, the best way to focus attention on `accountability' is not to
accuse the President or the White House of wrong doing, but to listen to
the voices of those to whom we are most accountable.  We need to listen to
Americans tell us what happened and what is happening.

We must listen.  As a  nation, we need to listen to the victims, the
exiled, the displaced, the `Astrodomed' people who lived and will continue
to live this tragedy.

Accountability begins with hearing the voices of those that one has hurt.

Who is helping us to hear these voices?

The Oprah Winfrey show, yesterday (6 Sep 05), was devoted entirely to the
voices of the people most hurt by the problems in our Federal government. 
Oprah, who rarely involves herself in politics, understands that the great
tragedy--the horror to emerge from these events--is not just that the
White House actions and inactions led directly to the death and suffering
of Americans, but that the White House is now trying to prevent America
from hearing those very voices of those who survived and witnessed.

As Oprah has done, Americans must go beyond the White House and the
President to create their own forums for listening to the voices of those
who are suffering.

And anyone who tells us that by listening to the voices we are impeding
the rescue efforts--well, just walk away from those people.  Let those
people wallow in their own heartless unawareness of what is happening in
American right now.  Let them suffer alone until they figure out what is
important to this nation.  But when they are ready to listen, then we
should welcome them to the conversation.

Everyday I have seen and I have heard people who want to talk about what
happened.  There is such an unprecedented need for Americans to talk about
what happened that we are encountering something without comparison in our
national history.  Men and women alike--everywhere, by the thousands--are
breaking down in tears in public.

Not even after the horrible events of 9/11 was there such a national need
to talk about what happened.   We are a nation that wants to listen to
each other.  We want to tell our stories, to hear the stories of others,
and to ask questions.

And we do not want to be told what and when we can talk about.

The audacity of the President at this moment can be found in his
willingness to tell the people of America to `shut up' and let us do our
job, at the moment Americans want most to hear each other's voices.

If we have the courage to walk away from the press briefings and the photo
ops and the `don't we look busy' Cabinet meetings, then we will begin what
will become the greatest event in our nation's short history.  We will
start the conversation that will change this country.

Deep inside that conversation is our understanding of what it means to be
accountable to our fellow citizens: to listen to them when they are in
pain and through listening, to understand and respond to their needs.

Listening is the heart of accountability, not some fog of PR gimmicks
designed to hide the President from the pain of the people.

We will need courageous leaders to help us find and hear our voices again,
and I can feel--and just barely see--a few of them moving into position. 
Right now, the leaders of this new conversation are a small group of media
figures that have been reborn by this tragedy.  By tomorrow, I hope that
there are dozens of leaders calling for America's voices to be heard.  By
next week, there could be thousands.

Last month, on a dusty road in Texas, a small revolution was started in
this country when one woman turned to the President of the United States
and said, `Listen to my voice.'  Of course, the President seemed then, as
he seems now, uniquely unable to hear the voice of any American that
differs from the talking points of his political advisor.  The President
seems, even, to be unable to hear his own voice.

But not even the hardened heart of a President can silence America's
voices. We will continue to listen and to be heard.

And the conversation will change us all.


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