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The Putsch at Public Broadcasting
by Eric Alterman
[from the December 19, 2005 issue of The Nation Magazine]

Fifteen months ago I wrote in this space, "Given the right's domination of
television talk shows and its already strong representation on public
broadcasting, the only imaginable explanation for the decision to put PBS
resources in the hands of well-financed, well-distributed, unabashedly
partisan and journalistically challenged ideologues can be naked political
pressure." I had no idea at the time just how powerful that pressure was
and how high in the echelons of the Bush Administration it went.

An investigation by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's inspector
general, Kenneth Konz, found that its former chair, Kenneth Tomlinson,
consistently violated its statutory provisions and the Director's Code of
Ethics. Thanks to Konz, we now know that Tomlinson was receiving advice
and possibly instructions directly from the top--(acting President) Karl
Rove. It's hard to believe America's second most influential politician
(just behind Dick Cheney), while being investigated for possibly illegally
leaking the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame, cared enough about PBS's
prime-time programming to plot the overthrow of Bill Moyers. But the
e-mail traffic appears to bear it out. The only sensible explanation is
the meta one. Bush II brooks no dissent from anyone anywhere in government
or the media, whether it comes from CIA agents' husbands, EPA scientists,
Medicare economists or public television broadcasters (including, it turns
out, cartoon rabbits).

Unfortunately for Rove & Co., Tomlinson's performance puts one in mind of
the Michael Brown School of Management. He forced out the professionals
and replaced them with Republican fundraisers and right-wing hacks. CPB's
new chair, Cheryl Halpern, together with her husband, as Mother Jones
reports, contributed a total of $81,800 to Bush and other Republicans; she
lists her occupation variously as attorney, real estate developer,
self-employed and housewife. Vice chair Gay Hart Gaines, an interior
decorator, was formerly chair of Newt Gingrich's GOPAC. President Patricia
de Stacy Harrison is a former RNC co-chair. In addition, Tomlinson created
slush funds to hire mysterious lobbyists, consultants and media monitors
and to create phony data with which to argue his case before Congress. He
doled out millions to conservatives like the now canceled Tucker Carlson
and the Wall Street Journal editorial page editors to get their programs
on the air, and sought to undermine the funding of those who resisted.

All of this is evident from a reading of Konz's report. We can also see
from e-mail traffic between Tomlinson and Wall Street Journal editorial
page editor Paul Gigot--helpfully released by Gigot--that Tomlinson
bragged to Gigot, regarding past PBS president Pat Mitchell, that he would
"hold up her money if she doesn't deliver" on the Journal's pundit chat
show. Indeed, he fired off e-mails to CPB staff members telling them to
threaten a cutoff unless PBS adopted his concept of ideological "balance."
Mitchell complied, as the only means of protecting Moyers's program.

At one point in the correspondence, yours truly makes a cameo appearance
with journalist Morton Mintz--in my case because of concern that my column
cited above might muck up their plans. For protection, Gigot suggests
Tomlinson empower someone to "collect string on the two and show how left
they really are." Tomlinson asks Gigot for help "to set some backfires"
and promises "to get someone interested in laughing at these clowns."

This might have been the origins of Tomlinson's decision to hire "Fred
Mann" to monitor Moyers's program, along with the NPR shows hosted by
Diane Rehm and Tavis Smiley. I use quotation marks because nobody has been
able to verify the existence of the alleged Mr. Mann. All we know about
him is that he is said to be the product of M. Stanton Evans's right-wing
ideology factory, misleadingly named the National Journalism Center, and
is listed as having been paid more than $14,000 to do incompetently what
could easily have been done for nothing by any half-witted high school
student with a broadband connection. For the purposes of the
Mann/Tomlinson System of Ideological Identification, reporters like the
Washington Post's Dana Priest, Robin Wright and Walter Pincus qualify as
"liberals," as do, I kid you not, Republican Senator Chuck Hagel and
former right-wing Georgia Congressman and impeachment impresario Bob Barr.

The same overwrought notion of ideological "balance" characterizes
Tomlinson's choice for the new position of CPB ombudsman. (NPR already had
its own ombudsman and PBS just got one, making four bias watchdogs in
all.) Of the two hired by Tomlinson, William Schulz is the more typical
Bush II personality: a former Tomlinson crony and ex-writer for the
McCarthyite radio broadcaster Fulton Lewis Jr. The second, Ken Bode, is
the alleged "liberal," offering "balance." Bode is a respected journalist
and educator, but he is no liberal. He endorsed former Bush budget
director Mitch Daniels in the Indiana governor's race and is an adjunct
fellow at the right-wing Hudson Institute.

With the professionals increasingly forced out at the top and replaced by
right-wing Republican fundraisers with little if any relevant experience,
the right-wing takeover of CPB is now plain for all to see. Early results
include a multimillion-dollar taxpayer subsidy to the billion-dollar Dow
Jones corporation to reproduce Journal Editorial Report, a show almost
identical to the one canceled years ago by CNBC. (Unlike Bill Moyers on
NOW, the Journal editors do not bother with actual reporting, or contrary
views.) But much remains unanswered. Why did Tomlinson go to so much
trouble to funnel money in secret to the "Mann," in Indiana? Is there
more, as yet unreleased, in the report? What, ultimately, was its intended
purpose--another McCarthy-style blacklist or just a Nixonian "enemies
list"? Did Gigot make any unpublished promises about lending the Journal
edit pages to these purposes? And why did Tomlinson feel compelled to lie
to Senator Byron Dorgan when questioned about the secret Mann deal,
falsely insisting that another CPB executive had "approved and signed" the
Mann contract when in fact he had signed it himself? And finally, what
else are they hiding?


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