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Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting0
Extra! March/April 2006

Wrong on Iraq? Not Everyone
Four in the mainstream media who got it right
By Steve Rendall

When former U.N. chief weapons inspector David Kay told the Senate Armed
Services Committee in January 2004, “We were all wrong,” he was admitting
that officials had been wrong to claim Iraq had weapons of mass
destruction. The we-were-all-wrong trope entered the political lexicon as
a mea culpa, but today the White House and its media defenders employ it
as a defense of a war started over phantom weapons. We may have been
wrong, they argue, but so were the Clinton administration, congressmembers
of both parties and other Western intelligence agencies.

As George W. Bush’s approval ratings languished last fall, due in part to
the unpopular war, the administration was searching for a “push-back”
strategy against Democrats. The White House came up with a variant of the
we-were-all-wrong theme, which George W. Bush delivered in a November 11
speech pointing out that while he had been wrong about the weapons, many
Democrats had made the same blunder based on the same information.

“That’s why more than 100 Democrats in the House and the Senate, who had
access to the same intelligence,” Bush told a Pennsylvania audience,
“voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power.” The day before,
Bush National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley told reporters:
“Seventy–seven senators, representing both sides of the aisle . . .
believed, based on the same intelligence, that Saddam Hussein had weapons
of mass destruction and imposed [sic] an enormous threat to his neighbors
and to the world at large.”

Following Bush’s speech, the White House’s media supporters took to the
airwaves to echo his defense. Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund,
appearing on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight (11/11/05), told the host: “One of
the things we have to recall here is, every leading Democrat, including
the Democrats who had access to the same intelligence information like Jay
Rockefeller, approved of the war in Iraq.” National Review editor Rich
Lowry told PBS’s NewsHour host Jim Lehrer (11/11/05), “Many Democrats were
saying the same thing because they were all looking at the same body of
intelligence.” On November 13 Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace
declared (11/13/05), “Democrats saw basically the same intelligence the
president did and made statements, by and large, that were just as

Though the Washington Post (11/12/05) and Knight Ridder (11/15/05)
debunked this partisan version of the claim, showing that the White House
had access to far more extensive intelligence, the we-were-all-wrong theme
does have a grain of truth to it—particularly when it comes to mainstream
journalism. New York Times Baghdad bureau chief John Burns made a valid
point when he told a U.C. Berkeley conference on Iraq and the media
(3/18/04): “We failed the American public by being insufficiently critical
about elements of the administration’s plan to go to war.” Strong cases
for the general failure of mainstream journalism regarding Iraq were
featured in the Columbia Journalism Review (5–6/03) and the New York
Review of Books (2/26/04).

But the fact that mainstream media in general suspended critical judgment
when it came to reporting on pre-war Iraq claims should not be viewed as
an excuse—because, in fact, not all mainstream journalists and pundits got
it wrong. Some got it right—simply by carrying out the basic journalistic
tasks of checking facts and holding the powerful to account.

Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter was a media darling in 1998. A tough talking ex-Marine
officer who’d just resigned as chief U.N. weapons inspector, he criticized
the Clinton White House and the U.N. for failing to support continued
aggressive Iraq inspections. In the wake of his resignation, he portrayed
Iraq as largely disarmed but still a continuing serious threat.

Two days after his August 26, 1998 resignation, he appeared on all three
network morning shows (ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS’s Morning Show,
NBC’s Today, 8/28/02). An editorial in the Washington Post (8/27/98) was
typical of many others across the country that lionized the former
inspector: “Yesterday’s resignation by Scott Ritter, perhaps the most
determined and courageous of the U.N. weapons inspectors . . . stands as a
damning indictment of U.S. policy on Iraq.”

As long as he was perceived as an Iraq hardliner, Ritter was a popular
news source. In the years following his resignation, however, Ritter’s
thinking on Iraq changed—“evolved” was the word he used in a prominent New
York Times Magazine profile (11/24/02). As a result, Ritter became
something of a journalist and advocate for peace. In the course of putting
out two books, a documentary film and several op-ed columns, he came to
believe Iraq was not the mortal threat he’d once described. It wasn’t that
he thought Iraq was harmless; in fact, he remained the forceful advocate
for inspections that he’d always been. But while insisting on tough
inspections was once considered a hawkish position, under the Bush
administration anyone who thought Saddam Hussein could be contained by
anything short of a full-scale invasion was marked as a dove.

In September 2002, Scott Ritter stepped in the path of the White House’s
PR blitz, challenging the administration and quickly becoming one of very
few prominent critics of the looming war. In a Chicago Tribune op-ed
(9/10/02), Ritter exposed a deception on the part of Vice President Dick
Cheney that should have sent reporters scurrying to catch up. Cheney
claimed in an August 2002 speech (8/26/02) that the Iraqi regime had been
“very busy enhancing its capabilities in the field of chemical and
biological agents,” and continued “to pursue the nuclear program they
began so many years ago.” To back this up, Cheney added, “We’ve gotten
this from the firsthand testimony of defectors, including Saddam’s own
son-in-law”—a reference to Lt. Gen. Hussein Kamel, the former Iraqi
weapons chief and Iraq’s highest ranking defector. (See Extra!, 5–6/03:

Ritter pointed out that Cheney was omitting an inconvenient part of
Kamel’s story:

Throughout his interview with UNSCOM, a U.N. special commission, Hussein
Kamal reiterated his main point—that nothing was left. “All chemical
weapons were destroyed,” he said. “I ordered destruction of all chemical
weapons. All weapons—biological, chemical, missile, nuclear—were

In a Baltimore Sun column (9/1/02) calling for the resumption of
inspections, Ritter pointed out that earlier inspections had been able to
verify a “90 percent to 95 percent level of disarmament,” including “all
of the production facilities involved with WMD” and “the great majority of
what was produced by these facilities.”

As for the remainder, Ritter told the Guardian (9/19/02), “We have to
remember that this missing 5 to 10 percent doesn’t necessarily constitute
a threat.” Chemical and biological weapons such as sarin and tabun, he
explained, “have a shelf-life of five years.” “Even if Iraq had somehow
managed to hide this vast number of weapons,” said Ritter, “what they are
now storing is nothing more than useless, harmless goo.”

Ritter summed up his alternative to war on CNN’s American Morning (9/9/02):

I’m not giving Iraq a clean bill of health. But, again, we’re talking
about war here. . . . Let’s get the inspectors back in, let’s get them to
find out what the ultimate disposition of these weapons programs are, and
if Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction program, thank goodness, we
just defused a war.

Ritter’s dissent from the war program put him back in the public eye, but
he was no longer a media darling (See Extra!, 9–10/03). Ritter may have
changed his mind about the Iraq threat, but elites had had a similar
conversion about the value of inspections; Ritter alone, however, was
dubbed a “flip-flopper” (Chicago Tribune, 9/23/02). A trip to Baghdad
where he urged Iraqi officials to allow inspections and warned Americans
that attacking Iraq would be a “historic mistake” was singled out in a
critical profile in the New York Times Magazine (11/24/02). At CBS Evening
News (9/30/02), correspondent Tom Fenton said that Ritter “is now what
some would call a loose cannon.”

CNN was especially harsh. Appearing on CNN’s Sunday Morning (9/8/02), CNN
news executive Eason Jordan told Catherine Callaway: “Well, Scott Ritter’s
chameleon-like behavior has really bewildered a lot of people. . . . U.S.
officials no longer give Scott Ritter much credibility.” When Paula Zahn
interviewed Ritter (CNN American Morning, 9/13/02), she suggested he was
in league with Saddam Hussein: “People out there are accusing you of
drinking Saddam’s Kool-Aid.”

Though the absence of WMDs vindicated his views on the Iraq threat and the
value of inspections, it didn’t result in his media rehabilitation.
Instead of being sought out and consulted for how he got things right, he
became largely invisible. Ritter appeared 19 times on the three major
networks’ news broadcasts in the year before the war started
(3/20/02–3/19/03). In the year following the attack (3/20/03– 3/20/04), he
appeared just once (CBS, 8/20/03).

Warren Strobel and Jonathan Landay

Knight Ridder’s Washington bureau didn’t take the White House propaganda
campaign at face value either. In a September 6, 2002 story, “Lack of Hard
Evidence of Iraqi Weapons Worries Top U.S. Officials,” the newspaper
chain’s Warren Strobel and Jonathan Landay reported, “Senior U.S.
officials with access to top-secret intelligence on Iraq say they have
detected no alarming increase in the threat that Iraqi dictator Saddam
Hussein poses to American security and Middle East stability.” Throughout
the run-up to the war, the Knight Ridder reporters filed story after story
raising questions about Bush administration claims, with headlines like
“Some in Bush Administration Have Misgivings About Iraq Policy” (10/8/02)
and “Infighting Among U.S. Intelligence Agencies Fuels Dispute Over Iraq”

Knight Ridder’s skeptical reporting stood apart from the more credulous
coverage regularly put forth by most other mainstream outlets. When the
New York Times reported on the aluminum tubes story, “U.S. Says Hussein
Intensified Quest for A-Bomb Parts” (9/8/02), it emphasized the White
House view that the tubes were hard evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program,
and downplayed dissenting views. Knight Ridder published a very different
piece, “CIA Report Reveals Analysts’ Split Over Extent of Iraqi Nuclear
Threat” (10/4/02), recording strong dissent by prominent experts and
portraying the tubes’ purpose as anything but a settled issue. Indeed, in
the end, the dissenters were right.

Strobel and Landay received accolades for their tough reporting from some
journalism establishment outlets. “Almost alone among national news
organizations, Knight Ridder had decided to take a hard look at the
administration’s justifications for war,” wrote Michael Massing in the New
York Review of Books (2/26/04). Writing in the American Journalism Review
(8–9/04), Steve Ritea commended the Knight Ridder reporters:

For about a year and a half, the pair had filed compelling stories on the
issue and, on many occasions, it seemed like they were banging the drum
alone. It wasn’t until earlier this year, when it became increasingly
apparent Hussein had not been stockpiling weapons of mass destruction,
that other news outlets grew more critical of the administration.

But when it counted, Knight Ridder’s reporting too often went unnoticed—in
part because more powerful media outlets were too timid or arrogant to
attempt to build on Knight Ridder’s many scoops.

Charles J. Hanley

Charles J. Hanley has had his hand in some big stories. He was the lead
Associated Press reporter on the No Gun Ri story (9/29/99), a dramatic
Pulitzer Prize–winning 1999 investigative report documenting a massacre of
civilians by American soldiers during the Korean War (Extra!, 9–10/00). He
was also part of a team of AP reporters that published the first media
survey of Iraq’s civilian dead in June 2003 (6/11/03). But some of
Hanley’s most important reporting occurred as he covered the weapons
inspections in the run-up to the Iraq War.

The centerpiece of Hanley’s reporting on the inspections was a special
analysis published on January 18, 2003, “Inspectors Have Covered CIA’s
Sites of ‘Concern’ and Reported No Violations.” Hanley’s story documented
several Iraqi facilities where Bush administration claims had failed to
hold up to inspection.

For instance, in October 2002 the CIA warned that commercial satellite
photos showed that Iraq was reconstituting its clandestine nuclear weapons
program at Al Tuwaitha, a former nuclear weapons complex. The
“intelligence” found its way into the White House’s case for war. On
October 7, 2002 George W. Bush told a Cincinnati audience (New York Times,
10/8/02), “Satellite photographs reveal that Iraq is rebuilding facilities
at sites that have been part of his nuclear program in the past.”

As Hanley reported, when inspectors returned to Iraq, they visited the Al
Tuwaitha site and found no evidence to support Bush’s claim. “Since
December 4 inspectors from [Mohamed] ElBaradei’s International Atomic
Energy Agency have scrutinized that vast complex almost a dozen times, and
reported no violations.” The same was true of site after site, as Hanley

In almost two months of surprise visits across Iraq, U.N. arms monitors
have inspected 13 sites identified by U.S. and British intelligence
agencies as major “facilities of concern,” and reported no signs of
revived weapons building, an Associated Press analysis shows.

Hanley’s story should have been one of the most important of the pre-war
period. By debunking the very claims that had been advanced as proof of an
Iraqi threat, Hanley’s analysis ought to have cast severe doubt on the
White House’s entire evaluation of the Iraqi threat.

Instead, less than a month after the analysis was published, when
Secretary of State Colin Powell made his big war pitch to the U.N.
Security Council on February 5, 2003, repeating claims about the Iraq
threat that would be debunked in the coming months and years, the press
largely accepted Powell’s claims at face value and applauded his
performance (Extra!, 3–4/03). One of the few pieces to subject the speech
to critical scrutiny: Hanley’s February 7, 2003 report, which began,
“Iraqi officials on Friday took foreign journalists to missile assembly
and test sites spotlighted in Colin Powell’s anti-Iraq U.N. presentation,
to underscore the fact that the installations have been under U.N.
scrutiny for months.”


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