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EPA Scientists Pressured to Allow Continued Use of Dangerous Pesticides
Scientists Cite Pressure In Pesticide Study Union Files Letter Blasting
Agency Managers, Industry Over Tests on Toxics Family

Wall Street Journal Page A4, May 25, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Union leaders representing Environmental Protection Agency
scientists and other specialists assert that agency managers and
pesticide-industry officials are exerting "political pressure" to allow
continued use of a family of pesticides that might be harmful to children,
infants and fetuses.

In a letter to Stephen Johnson, EPA's administrator, the union leaders
said scientists are being pushed to skip steps in their testing, and
alleged that the "integrity of the science upon which agency decisions are
based has been compromised."

The protest from unions representing some 9,000 EPA scientists and other
employees about a pending agency determination is unprecedented and a
professional rebuke to Mr. Johnson, himself a scientist and former
assistant administrator in charge of the agency's program to test the
harmful effects of pesticides.

EPA spokeswoman Jennifer Wood said the agency "has been reviewing all
pesticides in question and applying new, stricter standards as required
under the Food Quality Protection Act, with a specific focus on their
effects on children's health." The agency had no specific response to the
union leaders' assertions. Spokesmen for groups representing the pesticide
industry didn't immediately return phone calls.

The letter said the agency faces an August deadline to re-evaluate a
family of 20 organophosphate and carbamate pesticides,many of them
stemming from World War II research on nerve gas. They include malathion,
commonly used to kill mosquitoes, and a variety of other chemicals that
are used in agriculture, gardens, on golf courses and on flea collars and
pest strips.

Under the Food Quality Protection Act passed in 1996, the EPA is required
to review acceptable limits for residues of existing pesticides within 10
years. Organophosphates, which attack the nervous system, were among the
group given the highest priority for testing.

Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental
Responsibility, whose members include state and federal employees, said
"the fact that this letter had to be sent at all is an utter disgrace."

Jennifer Sass, a toxicologist for the Natural Resources Defense Council,
another environmental group, said there is "a lot of uncertainty" in
scientific data about the pesticides and "newer, cleaner alternatives" are
available. "This is old style chemistry and these [chemicals] should have
been buried years ago."

After World War II, scientists discovered that insects were more sensitive
to nerve gases than humans and it was felt that humans wouldn't be harmed
by relatively low applications of the chemicals. According to a recent
report by the EPA's Office of Inspector General, however, later studies
showed that some pesticides can easily enter the brain of fetuses and
young children and may destroy cells in the developing nervous system.

Although the federal law gave the EPA 10 years to settle the issue, the
inspector general's report, issued in January, said the agency still
lacked a standard evaluation procedure for testing the toxicity to
developing nervous systems. The union leaders recommended that Mr. Johnson
tighten restrictions on use of the pesticides until the questions are

The letter was sent by leaders of nine local chapters of three unions: the
American Federation of Government Employees, National Treasury Employees
Union and Engineers and Scientists of California.


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