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Published on Monday, July 3, 2006 by the Boston Globe
Some See Army Pitch in Preteen Magazine
Editors of Cobblestone say that wasn't intent

by Bryan Bender

WASHINGTON - What began as an attempt to educate middle-school students
about the military has set off a string of complaints from parents and
teachers that new learning materials designed by a New Hampshire publisher
for 9- to 14-year-olds amount to little more than an early recruiting
pitch for the Army.

The latest issue of Cobblestone magazine, distributed nationwide to
schools and libraries, is dedicated to the Army, a first for the popular

Titled ``Duty, Honor, Country," the issue depicts a soldier in Iraq
manning a machine gun on its glossy cover and includes articles ranging
from what it's like to go through boot camp -- ``You're in the Army Now"
-- to a rundown of the Army's ``awesome arsenal," to a detailed
description of Army career opportunities.

But most controversial has been the pair of teacher's guides prepared in
conjunction with the magazine, which is touted as meeting national middle
school performance standards for English and language arts. The classroom
guides suggest that teachers invite a soldier, Army recruiter, or veteran
to speak to their class and poll students on whether ``they think they
might someday want to join the Army."

``Some of the teachers were like `Holy cow, look at this,' " said Francis
Lunney , a sixth-grade English teacher in Hudson who said he found a copy
in his school mailbox in May and quickly lodged a complaint in a telephone
call to Carus Publishing in Peterborough, N.H. ``It looked exactly like
the [official recruiting] material you get in high school. It didn't seem
to be that different the way it was packaged."

The roughly dozen complaints come at a time when the military is
struggling to meet recruiting goals and has undertaken more aggressive
efforts to draw the interest of youngsters. For example, the Army has
funded the development of video games to bring its message to teenagers
across the country. But it has been criticized by some groups for its
allegedly manipulative sales tactics, and has even faced attempts --
unsuccessful so far -- to bar recruiters from some high schools.

Cobblestone's editors insist that the idea for the special issue was
theirs alone, though they requested and received permission to use Army
photos. They also received more extensive help from the chief historian of
the Army Historical Foundation, Matthew Seelinger . The foundation, based
in Arlington, Va., is a private, nonprofit organization and is independent
of the military.

``We are not part of the government; we are not part of the Army," said
Seelinger. ``They contacted us."

Still, he said it was the first time the foundation had been asked to
prepare learning materials for children. ``I have never written for a
children's magazine before," Seelinger said, adding that Cobblestone paid
him about $500 for his contributions.

Cobblestone is one of a family of award-winning children's magazines
published by Carus. It was started by two teachers in 1979 to promote
reading and history. It grew into six themed magazines that cover American
history, geography, world cultures, world history, science and space,
general studies, and reading.

The magazine ``strives to educate and entertain through a creative mix of
articles, primary source documents, photographs, and illustrations, as
well as fun activities, puzzles, and cartoons," according to its website.
``Cobblestone Publishing works with consulting editors, writers,
historians, professors, museum curators, teachers, and others who are
noted authorities in their fields of study."

Cobblestone has a national paid circulation of 30,000, but managing editor
Lou Waryncia said its reach is far greater because one issue could be used
by dozens of students -- either in the classroom or in school libraries.

While previous issues of Cobblestone have dealt with the Civil War and
other military conflicts, the recent issue is somewhat of a departure,
said Waryncia, noting it is the first time that the Army was a focus by

``We planned to do this well over two years ago," Waryncia said. ``It just
happened to come out at a time when the country's feelings are in a
certain place" about the war in Iraq.

To some teachers and parents, the content appeared to be inappropriate for
students who have yet to enter high school, where the military
traditionally begins recruiting.

The issue includes an interview with Army Colonel Michael J. Davis ,
commander of the 52d Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group. He is asked
questions such as ``What made you decide to join the Army?"

The magazine discusses careers offered by the Army, including arts, media,
computers, construction, engineering, intelligence, medical, aviation,
legal, and transportation.

One of the teaching guides -- written by Mary B. Lawson , a teacher in
Saint Cloud, Fla. -- goes much further, suggesting that a writing exercise
be undertaken in which students `` pretend they are going to join the
Army. Have them decide which career they feel they would qualify for and
write a paper to persuade a recruiter why that should be the career."

Some complaints have centered on the fact that little attention is paid to
the combat role of the Army -- its risks and sacrifices.

Waryncia said the magazine did not intend to recruit for the Army, but
will reconsider future issues in light of the criticisms, which he said
were greater than for any previous issue.

He said the magazine has not yet decided its lineup for 2008, but is
considering issues dedicated to the Marines Corps, Navy, Air Force, and
Coast Guard. He acknowledged that he would pay much closer attention to
both the content and the teaching guides in light of the complaints.

Virginia Schumacher , a retired teacher and visitor services manager at
the History Center in Ithaca, N.Y., who wrote another teaching guide,
defended the issue.

``Joining the military is a career option for any child," she said. ``That
doesn't suggest they should or should not. Recruiters go into the high
school all the time. Part of the curriculum in New York state is career
options and how to make wise choices. In that magazine, I felt they gave a
wonderful portrayal of jobs that are not what everyone thinks of when they
think of the Army. It was not meant to meant to offend anyone."


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