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Poll Suggests GOP Control of House Is Tenuous
by Mara Liasson, NPR

July 27, 2006 · With Election Day just a little more than three months
away, the Morning Edition polling team was asked to take the pulse of
likely voters in the most competitive districts across the country.

Democrat Stan Greenberg and Republican Glenn Bolger found that, while
republicans do a little bit better with these voters than they do in a
nationwide sample, the numbers still point to trouble for the party in

Midterm congressional elections aren't conducted nationally, district by
district, so this poll ignores the districts where the incumbent is safe,
and looks only at districts where either party might win.

"This one is different than any of our prior polls and is different than
any of the national polls you get through the national media," says
Democrat pollster Stan Greenberg. "This is a poll only done in the 50
competitive House races where, in fact, control of the House of
Representatives will be decided."

Forty of those seats are currently held by republicans; 10 by democrats.
And those contests are where both parties will be concentrating their
resources come fall, says Republican pollster Glenn Bolger.

"This is where the effort's going to be made," Bolger says. "This is where
the money's going to be spent, and this is where the messages are going to
be sharpest …This is where the House hangs in the balance."

In 2004, the total vote in these 50 districts went republican by about 12
points. In our current survey, voters in these same districts say they
would vote for the Democrat over the Republican by about six points.

We asked the question about a generic Democrat or Republican, then we
plugged in the names of actual incumbents and challengers. The numbers
didn't change much and the voters seemed pretty firm about their choices.

Only 18 percent of those favoring a Democrat said there was any chance
they'd change their minds. Only 16 percent of those favoring a Republican
said they might switch.

Tracie Galla is a music teacher who is at home on maternity leave.

She lives in the 4th District of Connecticut and plans to vote for
Democrat challenger Diane Farrell over the Republican incumbent Chris

"I'm afraid that, nationally, there've been a lot of things over the past
years that haven't gone in the right direction, in my opinion," Galla
says. "So I'm concerned about everything going on in the Middle East, and
I just think we need a change. I think that unfortunately the Republicans,
you know, for the most part, support what Bush has done, and I just don't
agree with it."

But Republicans will be working hard to turn out voters like Julius Brown,
who is retired and living in South Carolina's 5th District. Brown favors
the Republican challenger Ralph Norman over Democratic incumbent John

"Well, first thing, I don't approve of the general abortion stand that …
Democrats hold," Brown says. "Second, I believe the tax breaks that
Republicans give, even though I didn't benefit much by them, I believe the
country did."

Then there are undecided voters like Peggy Beekler, a retired social
worker who lives in the 3rd District of Kentucky, represented by Ann

"Well, I'm rather disappointed in the Republicans," Beekler says. "I think
they've made a mess of things, even though I've been a Republican."

Beekler is not happy about the war, but she's also unhappy about the
so-called values issues that Republicans have counted on to get their
voters to the polls.

"I think to do an amendment on burning the flag would be totally
ridiculous," Beekler says. "I also think when Bush vetoed the stem-cell
research … I feel like that's ridiculous because they're just going to
destroy all those embryos anyway, so even though I am for life, I think
that shouldn't have been vetoed. I think that was a really bad thing."

Beekler represents one of our most surprising findings: On the question of
which party would do a better job on "values issues," like stem-cell
research, flag-burning and gay marriage, Democrats prevailed by their
biggest margin in the entire poll: 51 percent to 37 percent.

"And when we list values issues like stem-cell research, flag-burning and
gay marriage, these are the issues that Republicans took the initiative,
used their control in Congress to get on the air to be voting on, to be
talking about," Greenberg says. "What this says: By 13 points, voters say
they are more likely to vote Democratic because of hearing about these
issues. Which suggests that the strategy of using the Congress to get out
the base is one that's driving away a lot of voters."

On other issues like the war in Iraq, or the state of the economy,
Democrats have a smaller advantage.

Only on the issue of illegal immigration are the parties tied -- in the
view of likely voters in the most competitive districts.

All of which leaves Republican Glenn Bolger hoping that Republicans will
be able to rely on what, in the past, has been a superior effort at
fundraising and mobilizing voters.

"Again, this is going to come down to: Is it an election where national
political environment determines the outcome, or is it an election where
what happens on the ground in the individual campaigns is what happens?"
Bolger says. "And we won't know that, obviously, until they count the

Full Results - NPR Poll of Voters in 50 Most Competitive House Districts:

Get state-by-state analysis and projections for this year's House, Senate
and gubernatorial races in this interactive map:


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