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US soldiers accused of rape and murder face death penalty
By David Usborne in New York
Published: 05 September 2006

Four American soldiers accused of raping an Iraqi girl in March and
killing members of her family are facing a court martial that could result
in death sentences for all of them.

Col Dwight Warren, a special army investigator, said that after
preliminary hearings last month, "reasonable grounds exist to believe that
each accused committed the offence for which he is charged", including
premeditated murder, punishable under military law by death.

The recommendation came just days after another army investigator
recommended that four other soldiers accused of killing three Iraqi
detainees during a raid at a chemical complex on an island north of
Baghdad in May should be considered for the death penalty in their court

This latest case has attracted attention because of the degree of
brutality that is alleged. Prosecutors assert that the four men raped the
teenage girl then killed her, her parents and her seven-year-old sister in
the family's home in Mahmudiya, in what is known as the triangle of death,
because of the many attacks there by Sunni insurgents.

Specialist James Barker, Pte Jesse Spielman, Pte Bryan Howard and Sgt Paul
Cortez, all members of the 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, are
charged with rape and premeditated murder. They are also charged with
arson after prosecutors alleged they doused the body of the rape victim
with kerosene and set it on fire. The US military has been struggling to
contain the damage from a series of cases involving alleged acts of
violence by soldiers against Iraqi civilians. Among them is the
investigation into allegations that US marines killed 24 civilians in
Haditha last year.

For the military to be moved to recommend execution for its own soldiers
is extremely rare. The last American soldier to be executed was hanged at
Fort Leavenworth in Kansas in 1961 after being found guilty of the rape
and attempted murder of an Austrian girl.

A military panel must consider whether to accept Col Warren's
recommendations and to convene a court martial. The four men are meanwhile
being held at a prison in Kuwait. A fifth soldier, Sgt Anthony Yribie, has
been charged with dereliction of duty for failing to report the crime.

The most important issue in any court martial will be whether the rape and
murders were premeditated.

David Sheldon, the civilian lawyer for Specialist Barker, is already
contending that there were mitigating circumstances. "For 22 days, these
junior enlisted soldiers were warehoused at one of the most dangerous
checkpoints in the triangle of death," he told The New York Times.

The case also involves another soldier, Steven Green. Prosecutors believe
he conceived a plan to rape the girl, whom the soldiers had seen while on
patrol, and to kill her and her family. After psychological evaluation, Mr
Green was discharged and is currently in custody in Kentucky. A soldier
who testified at last month's hearings said he had heard Mr Green talk
about killing civilians. Pte Justin Watt said he heard Mr Green say
openly: "I want to kill and hurt a lot of Iraqis."

Four American soldiers accused of raping an Iraqi girl in March and
killing members of her family are facing a court martial that could result
in death sentences for all of them.

Col Dwight Warren, a special army investigator, said that after
preliminary hearings last month, "reasonable grounds exist to believe that
each accused committed the offence for which he is charged", including
premeditated murder, punishable under military law by death.

The recommendation came just days after another army investigator
recommended that four other soldiers accused of killing three Iraqi
detainees during a raid at a chemical complex on an island north of
Baghdad in May should be considered for the death penalty in their court

This latest case has attracted attention because of the degree of
brutality that is alleged. Prosecutors assert that the four men raped the
teenage girl then killed her, her parents and her seven-year-old sister in
the family's home in Mahmudiya, in what is known as the triangle of death,
because of the many attacks there by Sunni insurgents.

Specialist James Barker, Pte Jesse Spielman, Pte Bryan Howard and Sgt Paul
Cortez, all members of the 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, are
charged with rape and premeditated murder. They are also charged with
arson after prosecutors alleged they doused the body of the rape victim
with kerosene and set it on fire. The US military has been struggling to
contain the damage from a series of cases involving alleged acts of
violence by soldiers against Iraqi civilians. Among them is the
investigation into allegations that US marines killed 24 civilians in
Haditha last year.
For the military to be moved to recommend execution for its own soldiers
is extremely rare. The last American soldier to be executed was hanged at
Fort Leavenworth in Kansas in 1961 after being found guilty of the rape
and attempted murder of an Austrian girl.

A military panel must consider whether to accept Col Warren's
recommendations and to convene a court martial. The four men are meanwhile
being held at a prison in Kuwait. A fifth soldier, Sgt Anthony Yribie, has
been charged with dereliction of duty for failing to report the crime.

The most important issue in any court martial will be whether the rape and
murders were premeditated.

David Sheldon, the civilian lawyer for Specialist Barker, is already
contending that there were mitigating circumstances. "For 22 days, these
junior enlisted soldiers were warehoused at one of the most dangerous
checkpoints in the triangle of death," he told The New York Times.

The case also involves another soldier, Steven Green. Prosecutors believe
he conceived a plan to rape the girl, whom the soldiers had seen while on
patrol, and to kill her and her family. After psychological evaluation, Mr
Green was discharged and is currently in custody in Kentucky. A soldier
who testified at last month's hearings said he had heard Mr Green talk
about killing civilians. Pte Justin Watt said he heard Mr Green say
openly: "I want to kill and hurt a lot of Iraqis."


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