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College campuses are going green
Sustainability seen as key for next generation

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Pineapple heads, watermelon rinds and lettuce leaves fertilize the flowers
at Seattle University instead of going into the garbage.

Students and faculty members at Pacific Lutheran University hold math
classes in a building without a carbon footprint.

Staff members at the University of Washington drive hybrid cars and may
soon be able to fill up other motor pool vehicles with biodiesel.

These and other efforts on Washington campuses underscore the movement to
turn the unofficial colors of each college to an Earth-friendly green.
Local universities are reducing the garbage and pollution they produce
while cutting back on the amount of energy they use.

Going green has meant changes in the way colleges maintain their grounds,
construct their buildings, perform their research and even teach their

In some cases, colleges are complying with government environmental and
energy-consumption rules and saving money by conserving. But campuses also
have been moved to act because of a responsibility -- not just to the
environment but also to their students.

"We feel that campuses have a special duty, and I think they see it as
well," said Judy Walton, executive director of the Association for the
Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. "They're training the
next generation."

Many campuses around the country first implemented sustainability measures
-- recycling, for example -- years ago, but their efforts seem to have
expanded in recent years, Walton said, citing four possible reasons for
the growth.

Work done by newly formed environmental groups in the 1990s has taken hold
and reached more people. Industry established national standards for
"green" buildings. Climate and energy issues have received more mainstream
attention. And students began pressuring campus officials to adopt more
environment-friendly policies.

Washington undergraduates have been active in promoting sustainability on

UW students are exploring how to use cooking oil from campus eateries to
fuel university cars. Engineering undergraduates at Seattle University
developed a solar panel system that collects enough sunlight to power an
energy-efficient home for one year. And the student body at Western
Washington University agreed to pay up to $10.50 a quarter to buy
renewable electricity -- becoming one of the first in the state to go 100
percent green on the main campus.

"That has generated a lot of pride in the student body," said Erica
Althans-Schmidt, a recent Western graduate who worked on the green-energy

It's also become a source of pride -- and in some instances bragging
rights -- for the campuses themselves. As more colleges hire
sustainability coordinators and form sustainability committees, campuses
find themselves in a friendly competition over who is most environmentally
friendly, just as they might with academics or athletics.

That happened a few years ago when the UW rebuilt part of the Center for
Urban Horticulture, which had been destroyed by arson and was the first
building on the UW's Seattle campus to seek and receive a silver LEED
rating from the U.S. Green Building Council. (The Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design rating system assesses buildings on how "green" they

When a UW official learned that a colleague at an Oregon university sought
a gold rating for a building on that campus, he tried to get the UW to do
the same, recalled Tom Hinckley, a UW professor and former director of the
Center for Urban Horticulture. Merrill Hall -- which features a garden
roof, second-growth Washington wood and recycled concrete -- came just a
few points shy of the gold rating.

The silver rating is now the standard on campus, as it is for all new
publicly funded buildings constructed in Washington under a law signed
last year by Gov. Chris Gregoire.

While adopting new standards for their campuses, colleges are also trying
to change the behavior of staff members and students.

Dave Kohler, director of facilities management at Pacific Lutheran
University, gave up his trash can. Now he's hoping to persuade his
colleagues to do the same.

This fall he will distribute hundreds of green 1.5-liter plastic buckets
to faculty and staff members as part of a "Can the Can" campaign. Kohler
hopes employees will fill the buckets, small enough to fit on a desk, only
with material that's not recyclable -- such as candy bar wrappers. They
should recycle or compost everything else -- paper, soda cans, even apple

Other campus programs are targeting students.

Washington State University offers an undergraduate degree in organic
farming -- the first in the nation, according to the university. It's also
taken steps to teach students about sustainability and the environment in
classes and student orientations.

Many students don't understand the harm their consumption can do, said
John Glass, coordinator for WSU's sustainability initiative.

"We have a student population of 22,000 statewide. It's our obligation and
commitment to make sure that as the students leave the university and go
out into the real world, that they have adequate information to make the
right decision," he said.

Some day colleges may have their own system for determining who is the
most green.

Students will survey more than Puget Sound area campuses this fall about
their sustainability efforts -- course offerings, funding, community
services, and vegan food options, among others. The responses will be used
to determine how local universities are faring, Walton said.

Her association is also working on establishing a national rating system
for colleges interested in comparing their conservation efforts with

The benefits of campus sustainability could reach beyond the universities.

As a senior at Seattle University, Quang Dinh and other engineering
students developed a solar-panel system as part of their coursework. The
university installed the system last year, and it can be viewed when
passing by the university on James Street.

"Solar panels in Seattle -- not the most efficient place to have solar
panels, but it does help one step at a time," he said.

While designing the system, Dinh learned about methods for producing
energy not using coal or nuclear power or oil -- and about the importance
of developing reusable energy options. Now he runs a sustainable-clothing
business in Seattle.


Colleges in Washington are trying to improve sustainability efforts
throughout campus.

Food: Campus eateries are serving locally grown foods, organic fruits and
vegetables and fair-trade coffee. Seattle University composts fruits,
vegetables, breads and coffee grounds. It uses the compost to fertilize
campus grounds.

Campus construction: Universities are voluntarily seeking certification
from the U.S. Green Building Council, which requires buildings to meet
certain sustainable construction standards. Pacific Lutheran University's
new math, business, computer science and computer engineering building
received a gold rating from the council earlier this year. Construction
materials include bamboo flooring, recycled carpet and wheat board. It is
heated and cooled by geothermal pumps and produces no carbon emissions.

Energy consumption: Universities are paying more for renewable energy
generated by dams and wind farms. Western Washington University and The
Evergreen State College were among the first in the state to go 100
percent green. Colleges are also exploring other energy options, such as
biodiesel and solar power.

Recycle and reuse: Many universities recycle paper, aluminum, glass and
plastic. They're also encouraging students to donate unwanted items
instead of throwing them in the trash bin. The UW collected more than
20,000 pounds of clothes, books, cell phones and other reusable materials
from students when they moved out of the dorms at the end of the academic
year. The items were given to community organizations.

Classroom: Students at Washington State University can major in organic
farming. The UW student government earlier this year passed a "green
textbook" resolution asking the university to lobby textbook publishers to
produce materials with more recycled paper.


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