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No Ordinary Counterfeit
By STEPHEN MIHM (NYT Magazine, July 23, 2006)


A Picture Emerges

With a country as closed and secretive as North Korea, information about
government activities is hard to come by. But in the late 1990’s, a new
source of information arrived in the form of defectors. Starvation,
corruption and desperation had prompted thousands of North Koreans, many
of them government officials, to flee the country. In 1997, two
high-ranking bureaucrats — Hwang Jang Yop, a former secretary of the North
Korean Workers’ Party, and Kim Duk Hong, head of a government trading
company — sought political asylum at the South Korean Embassy in Beijing.
They were the most prominent officials to defect, but they were hardly
alone: thousands of North Koreans have fled to South Korea. Many thousands
more have escaped to China.

In the international intelligence community, vetting accounts from
defectors about activities in North Korea soon became a specialty — as
well as a necessity, for the accounts were not always reliable. Raphael
Perl, an analyst at the Congressional Research Service who has written
extensively on North Korea’s counterfeiting operations, told me that “a
lot of defectors or refugees give us information, but they tell us
anything we want to know. You have to question the reliability of what
they say.”

Nonetheless, the most trustworthy of these accounts, when combined with
more traditional intelligence sources, permitted a best guess of what
might be happening in North Korea. And as far as counterfeiting was
concerned, the picture that emerged suggested that moneymaking had long
been a passion for the country’s dictatorial ruler, Kim Jong Il, dating
back to the 1970’s, years before he took over the reins of power from his
father, the country’s founder and first president, Kim Il Sung.

Today, on Changgwang Street in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea,
there is a barricaded compound of government buildings. Judging from
satellite photos, these are unremarkable, rectangular structures that
suggest no special purpose. Yet according to a North Korean specialist
based in Seoul whom I spoke with recently, and who has interviewed many
high-ranking North Korean defectors, including Hwang Jang Yop and Kim Duk
Hong, these buildings are the home of Office 39, a government bureau
devoted to raising hard currency for Kim Jong Il. (The specialist was
granted anonymity because of the sensitivity of relations between North
and South Korea.)

While the operatives of Office 39 may well direct legitimate enterprises,
including the export of exotic mushrooms, ginseng and seaweed, a
substantial portion of the office’s revenue comes from its involvement in
illicit activities: drug manufacturing and trafficking, sales of missile
technology, counterfeit cigarettes and counterfeit $50 and $100 bills.
According to Ken Gause, director of the Foreign Leadership Studies Program
at the CNA Corporation, a policy group in Virginia that consults on
national-security issues, the activities of Office 39 overlap with those
of two other offices that occupy buildings in the same complex. The first,
Office 38, manages the money acquired by Office 39, he said, while the
second, Office 35, handles kidnappings, assassinations and other such

All three divisions employ the same narrow coterie of elites, and all
answer directly to Kim Jong Il, who lives in a villa less than a mile
away. The history of the operations of Offices 39, 38 and 35, Gause told
me, closely follows Kim Jong Il’s own rise to power through the party
apparatus. In the early 70’s, after helping his father purge the ranks of
the Korean Workers’ Party of competing factions, Kim Jong Il assumed
control of North Korea’s covert operations, mostly involving South Korean

In the mid-70’s, according to defector accounts related to me by the North
Korean specialist, Kim Jong Il issued a directive to members of the
Central Committee of the Korean Workers’ Party instructing that expenses
for covert operations against South Korea be paid for by producing and
using counterfeit dollars. Officials in charge of the operation supposedly
brought back $1 bills from abroad, bleached the ink and then used the
blank paper to print fairly sophisticated counterfeit $100 bills — though
nothing close in quality to a supernote. Many of these notes were later
used by North Korean agents implicated in attacks on South Korean targets,
like the operatives arrested for the bombings of a South Korean government
delegation in Rangoon in 1983 and a Korean Airlines jet in 1987.

According to the same defector accounts, Kim Jong Il endorsed
counterfeiting not only as a way of paying for covert operations but also
as a means of waging economic warfare against the United States, “a way to
fight America, and screw up the American economic system,” as the North
Korean specialist paraphrased it to me.

In a similar vein, according to Sheena Chestnut, a specialist on North
Korea’s illicit activities who has also interviewed several key defectors,
counterfeiting was seen as an expression of the guiding idea of the
regime: the concept of juche. Often loosely translated as “self-reliance”
or “sovereignty,” the idea of juche entails an aggressive repudiation of
other nations’ sovereignty — a reaction to the many centuries in which
Korea capitulated to its larger, more powerful neighbors. “It appears that
counterfeiting actually contributed to the domestic legitimacy of the
North Korean regime,” Chestnut told me. “It could be justified under the
juche ideology and allowed the regime to advertise its anticapitalist,
anti-American credentials.”

By 1984, as North Korea’s planned economy began to fall apart, Kim Jong
Il, who by that time was effectively running much of the government,
issued another directive, according to the North Korean specialist, who
told me he has obtained a copy of the document. It explained that
“producing and using counterfeit U.S. dollars” was a means, in part, for
“overcoming economic crisis.” The economic crisis was twofold: not only
the worsening conditions among the general population but also a growing
financial discontent among the regime’s elite, who had come to expect
certain perquisites of power. Counterfeiting offered the promise of
raising hard currency to buy the elite the luxury items that they had come
to expect: foreign-made cars, trips for their children, fine wine and

Laundering, Wholesaling and Redesigning

Earlier this year, I visited David Asher, a former senior adviser for East
Asian and Pacific affairs in the State Department and an outspoken critic
of the North Korean regime. In late 2001, he explained to me, Assistant
Secretary of State James Kelly asked him to study why the North Korean
regime had not collapsed, given that the country’s economy had declined
even further over the previous decade, with industrial output alone
falling by as much as three-quarters. Former Communist countries had ended
their subsidies, Kim Il Sung had died, the country was stricken by floods
and famine and the food-distribution system had collapsed. (Party slogans
betrayed more than a hint of desperation: “Let’s Eat Two Meals a Day” was
one of the era’s more uplifting exhortations.) Yet Kim Jong Il, defying
all expectations, managed to cling to power.

“How this was happening was perplexing, given the huge trade gap, even
with adjustments for aid flowing into the country,” Asher recalled.
“Something just didn’t add up. It didn’t account for why Kim was driving
around in brand new Mercedes-Benzes or handing out Rolexes at parties and
purchasing truly large quantities of cognac.”

As Asher and his colleagues began amassing intelligence, evidence of an
array of illicit activities began surfacing — everything from ivory
smuggling to the production of high-grade methamphetamine. And
counterfeiting was at the core. “The more we found out about this
counterfeiting of dollars, the more we thought it was outrageous,” Asher
told me. These activities provided what Asher calls “an alternative
framework for existence” and “the palace economy of Kim Jong Il.”

In the spring of 2003, the State Department established the Illicit
Activities Initiative, an interagency effort designed to investigate and
counter North Korea’s criminal activities, and appointed Asher
coordinator. The department began to systematically collect a variety of
forensic and other evidence gathered by its own investigators, the Secret
Service and elements of the intelligence community linking North Korea to
the supernotes. (Asher declined to comment on the nature of the evidence,
most of which remains classified.)

In addition, the department put together circumstantial evidence of North
Korean counterfeiting that had been accumulating for more than a decade.
In 1994, for example, authorities in Hong Kong and Macao apprehended five
North Korean diplomats and trade-mission members carrying about $430,000
in bills that turned out to be counterfeits of the supernote variety.
Additional North Korean diplomats, including an aide close to Kim Jong Il
who was attached to Office 39, were caught trying to launder millions of
dollars worth of supernotes over several years, prompting an increased
scrutiny of North Korea’s diplomatic and trading missions.

Thwarted, the regime seems to have changed tactics, harnessing new
distribution networks and wholesaling the counterfeits to third parties
who would funnel them to criminal gangs. In the late 1990’s, for instance,
British detectives began tracking Sean Garland, the leader of the Official
Irish Republican Army, a Marxist splinter group of the I.R.A. According to
an unsealed federal indictment in Washington, Garland began working with
North Korean agents earlier in the decade, purchasing supernotes at
wholesale prices before distributing them through an elaborate criminal
network with outposts in Belarus and Russia, as well as Ireland. (Garland
denies the charges and is currently fighting extradiction to the United
States from Ireland.)

Details of the actual manufacture of counterfeit notes also began
filtering into the State Department, much of the information derived from
defector accounts. According to similar accounts compiled by Sheena
Chestnut and the North Korean specialist in Seoul whom I spoke with, the
regime obtained Swiss-made intaglio printing presses and installed them in
a building called Printing House 62, part of the national-mint complex in
Pyongsong, a city outside Pyongyang, where a separate team of workers
manufactures the supernotes.

In 1996, frustrated by the high-quality imitations of its currency in
worldwide circulation, the United States government redesigned the money
for the first time since 1928. Out went the old-fashioned symmetrical
designs, replaced by the big-head notes. Almost everything about the new
design was aimed at frustrating potential counterfeiters, including a
security thread embedded in the paper, a watermark featuring a shadow
portrait of the figure on the bill and new “microprinting,” tiny lettering
that is hard to imitate. The most significant addition was the use of
optically variable ink, better known as O.V.I. Look at the bills in
circulation today: all 10’s, 20’s, 50’s and 100’s now feature this
counterfeiting deterrent in the denomination number on the
lower-right-hand corner. Turn the bill one way, and it looks bronze-green;
turn it the other way, and it looks black. O.V.I. is very expensive,
costing many times more than conventional bank-note ink.

A Swiss company named SICPA is the major manufacturer of O.V.I., and the
United States purchased the exclusive rights to green-to-black
color-shifting ink in 1996. Other countries followed, purchasing
color-shifting inks of different colors for their own currency. One of the
first countries to do so, interestingly enough, was North Korea, whose
currency, the won, counterfeiters ignore. North Korea purchased O.V.I.
from SICPA that shifts from green to magenta. For the purposes of
counterfeiting American currency, it would be a smart choice: magenta is
the closest color on the spectrum to black. “The green-to-magenta ink can
be manipulated to look very close to green-to-black ink,” Daniel Glaser of
the Treasury Department told me. “They took this stuff the same year we
went to O.V.I.” According to Glaser, the North Koreans managed to fiddle
with the new ink, obtaining an approximation of the O.V.I. on the bills.

Though there is some dispute on the timing, the first counterfeit big-head
supernotes might have arrived on the market as early as 1998. Like the
earlier generation of supernotes, the big-head imitations show an
ever-growing attention to detail. “They would certainly fool me,” said
Glaser, who points out that the “defects” of the supernote are arguably
improvements. He recalled looking at the back of a $100 supernote under a
magnifying glass and noticing that the hands on the clock tower of
Independence Hall were sharper on the counterfeit than on the genuine.

>From all accounts, superb quality is a feature of much North Korean
contraband: methamphetamine of extraordinarily high purity; counterfeit
Viagra rumored to exceed the bona fide product in its potency; supernotes.
It’s an impressive product line for a regime that can barely feed its
people. When I discussed this with Asher, he let out a sigh. “I always say
that if North Korea only produced conventional goods for export to the
degree of quality and precision that they produce counterfeit United
States currency, they would be a powerhouse like South Korea, not an
industrial basket case.”

The Threat

How many supernotes are in circulation, and what sort of provocation do
they represent?

Most government officials interviewed for this story declined to give an
estimate, but several, including Michael Merritt of the Secret Service,
noted that his agency has removed $50 million worth of supernotes from
circulation. That is a far cry from the “billions” predicted by
Representative Bill McCollum’s task force in the early 1990’s, and while
it may still sound like a lot, it is insignificant relative to the $12
trillion dollar American G.D.P.

When supernotes are discovered in a smaller foreign economy that makes use
of American currency, they can cause a local crisis of confidence in the
dollar (this has happened in Taiwan and Ireland, for instance). But in the
United States, the economic threat is minimal. For this reason, many
analysts, particularly those outside the administration, like Raphael Perl
of Congressional Research Service, express concern about making the issue
into a diplomatic crisis. Perl, who agrees that the North Koreans are
behind the counterfeiting, told me that because American government
officials often view the violation of the currency as “a matter of
national honor,” there is “an emotional factor that could get blown out of
proportion.” In the process, he argued, counterfeiting can become
conflated with other, more pressing problems posed by the North Korean
regime, like its nuclear threat.

This conflation may also be deliberate. According to Kenneth Quinones, who
was the North Korea country director in the State Department in the
1990’s, hawks in the current administration may be trying to use the
counterfeiting issue to impede negotiations with the regime over its
nuclear program. Critics of this approach note that the freezing of the
North Korean bank accounts took place in the same month that participants
in the six-party talks, the multination negotiations over North Korea’s
nuclear program, hammered out an agreement that the regime would abandon
its nuclear-weapons program. North Korea soon reneged on its promise to
abandon its nuclear program and has since refused to rejoin the talks
until the United States lifts the designation on Banco Delta Asia. The
hawks, Quinones told me, “are attempting to use these sanctions” to help
“bring down the regime.”

The senior administration official interviewed for this article dismissed
that claim. “The notion that there was a grand conspiracy by hard-liners
is just wrong,” he told me. “It’s not accurate. This was done as a
law-enforcement action by appropriate U.S. government agencies based on
the facts of the case.”

Even if the counterfeiting is not worthy of being a diplomatic issue unto
itself, the fact that North Korea is counterfeiting may still serve as a
grim reminder of the difficulty of good-faith negotiations with North
Korea. Just consider that the supernotes that were seized by
law-enforcement officials in New Jersey and California arrived in the
United States while the six-party talks were going on. Asher, for one, was
stunned by the audacity of the regime. “If they’re going to counterfeit
our currency the entire time they’re engaged in diplomatic negotiations,
what does that say about their sincerity?” he asked me. “How can they want
normalization with a country whose currency they’re counterfeiting? How
can they expect it?”

However the diplomatic standoff is resolved, Asher said that he believes
North Korea won’t continue to counterfeit much longer. Next year, the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing is issuing an updated version of the $100
bills. The notes will be expensive to manufacture, requiring the purchase
of a new set of presses at a cost that Asher estimated in the “hundreds of
millions” of dollars. The Treasury Department characterizes the next
generation of notes as part of a routine redesign that it will undertake
on a regular schedule every decade. But Asher has no illusions as to the
timing. “It might be a routine update,” he said, “but it’s a routine
update that’s being instigated by one country: North Korea.”

Stephen Mihm teaches history at the University of Georgia. He is at work
on two books about the history of counterfeiting in the United States, one
to be published by Harvard University Press and the other by


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