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Analysis: Bush's new plan not all new
By TOM RAUM - Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush's new plan for Iraq sounds a lot like
his old one. Send in more troops, set goals for the Iraqi government and
assure Americans it's better to wage war there than here. And now the U.S.
military is back in Somalia, too, once again attacking suspected terrorist
targets. Bush's challenge in Iraq: show what's different now.

The plan the president will outline to the nation Wednesday night is the
latest repackaging of a program that's been wrapped and rewrapped many

The White House recognizes that a majority of Americans disapprove of
Bush's handling of Iraq and that Democrats are eager to assert their new
leadership on Capitol Hill by challenging his proposal to send in more

But Bush advisers also believe that Americans do not necessarily support
an immediate withdrawal and might be willing to give the president the
benefit of the doubt if he presents a feasible, detailed plan that points
the way to an eventual U.S. drawdown.

It's different this time, Bush supporters say of his new strategy - always
words to beware.

For one thing, administration officials contend that the Iraqi government,
while still fragile, has matured and will do much more of its part this

They note that Bush has reshuffled his military and diplomatic team in
Iraq and has a new defense secretary, Robert Gates, to carry out the
revised plan.

Bush has told lawmakers he plans to send about 20,000 more troops to Iraq.
There are roughly 132,00 there now. The White House also is working on its
largest-ever appeal for more war funds - a record $100 billion, at least -
to be submitted along with Bush's Feb. 5 budget.

"He does understand that it's important to bring the public back to this
war and restore public confidence in support for the mission," spokesman
Tony Snow said Tuesday.

Still, there's clearly a been-there, done-that feel to Bush's new plan.

It's an old story: The U.S. before has temporarily raised troop levels,
taken steps to encourage democracy, spent money on education and public
works and set benchmarks for the Iraqi government.

In the fall of 2005, the president gave a series of speeches around the
country on the way forward in Iraq. To mark the campaign, the White House
issued a glossy 35-page document titled "Our National Strategy for Victory
in Iraq," spelling out a series of military, political and economic

"This last summer there was a troop increase that really did no good in my
opinion whatsoever," says Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., the new chairman of the
House Armed Services Committee.

That was after Bush went to Baghdad and announced a joint effort with
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to beef up security in Baghdad - and after
an earlier joint effort failed to stem the tide of sectarian violence. The
newer one failed too.

Skelton suggests too much attention is being paid to the latest plan's

"Whatever the president does, it is still up to the Iraqis to make or
break it themselves. So let's not put any more spotlight on this decision
any more than those in the past, which sadly have not been good ones," he

As Bush outlines his new Iraq strategy, he may well mention the new U.S.
airstrikes in Somalia that targeted Islamic extremists.

He can cite the war on terrorism's multiple fronts. It fits in with his
fight-them-abroad-not-at-home thesis. Administration allies suggest the
U.S. withdrawal from Somalia in 1993 helped strengthen the al-Qaida terror

"Just as the Soviet defeat in Afghanistan emboldened and enlarged
al-Qaida, just as our withdrawal from Somalia encouraged them to go find
more targets, our defeat in Iraq would expand the numbers of terrorists
and embolden them to seek new strategic targets," said Rep. Mac Thornberry
of Texas, a Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee.

Analysts and lawmakers have mixed views on whether Bush can do anything to
turn the tide in Iraq. Some say it's possible, but that the odds are low
after nearly four years of war.

"Anything that would work now would have worked even better two years
ago," said Michael O'Hanlon, a foreign policy analyst at Brookings
Institution who served as an adviser to the Iraq Study Group. "Increasing
troops has always been an option. But this is probably the least promising
time to try it of the past almost four years."

The bipartisan Iraq Study Group, led by former Secretary of State James A.
Baker III and former Democratic Rep. Lee Hamilton, called for beginning to
withdraw combat troops - a central recommendation Bush apparently has
chosen to ignore.

Many Democrats and some Republicans await Bush's speech with skepticism.

"There is the troubling issue of the capacity of the struggling government
in Iraq, consumed as it is by fractional fighting, to establish any kind
of sustained governing coalition," said Ray DuBois, a Pentagon official
until last March who is now with the Center for Strategic and
International Studies.

Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., chairman of the House Appropriations Committee,
complained that Bush initially promised that Americans would stand down as
Iraqis stood up. "Now it sounds like we're being told that Americans will
stand up as the Iraqis are standing up. That's a confusing difference to


EDITOR'S NOTE - Tom Raum has covered national and international affairs
for The Associated Press since 1973.

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