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William D. Hartung, World Policy Institute

Even by Bush administration standards, the military spending proposal for
Fiscal Year 2008 - the budget year beginning on October 1, 2007 -- is
enormous. The request for the "regular" military budget, which includes
Pentagon spending plus work on nuclear warheads and naval reactors at the
Department of Energy, was $499 billion. This represents a $46 billion
increase from the current budget year.

Figures for the regular military budget exclude the costs of the current
wars that the United States is engaged in. A proposed supplemental
appropriation to pay for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq of $141.7
billion brings proposed military spending for FY 2008 to $647.2 billion,
the highest level of military spending since the end of World War II -
higher than Vietnam, higher than Korea, higher than the peak of the Reagan
buildup. There will also be a proposed supplemental of $93.4 billion added
to this year's (FY 2007) budget, bringing the total for the year to $622.4

This spending spree comes at a time when America's main enemy is not a
rival superpower like the Soviet Union, but a network of terrorist groups
armed primarily with explosives, shoulder-fired missiles, and AK-47s. And
even if one accepts the "need" to fight a war like the current US
occupation of Iraq, there are tens of billions of dollars in the
administration's budget proposal that will never be used in that conflict.
Requests for systems like the F-22 fighter ($4.6 billion), the V-22 Osprey
($2.6 billion), the CVN-21 aircraft carrier ($3.1 billion), the SSN-774
Virginia attack submarine ($2.7 billion), the Trident D-5
Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile ($1.2 billion), and Ballistic Missile
Defense ($10.8 billion) are just a few examples of weapons that are
unnecessary, unworkable, or both.

What do all these figures mean? How can the average person make sense of
these billions and billions and billions of dollars? Some comparisons may
be helpful.

Proposed U.S. military spending for FY 2008 is larger than military
spending by all of the other nations in the world combined.

At $141.7 billion, this year's proposed spending on the Iraq war is larger
than the military budgets of China and Russia combined. Total U.S.
military spending for FY2008 is roughly ten times the military budget of
the second largest military spending country in the world, China.

Journalist Jim Lobe of the Interpress Service notes that proposed U.S.
military spending is larger than the combined gross domestic products
(GDP) of all 47 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The FY 2008 military budget proposal is more than 30 times higher than all
spending on State Department operations and non-military foreign aid

The FY 2008 military budget is over 120 times higher than the roughly $5
billion per year the U.S. government spends on combating global warming.

FY 2008 military spending represents 58 cents out of every dollar spent by
the U.S. government on discretionary programs - the items that Congress
gets to vote up or down on an annual basis. This means that military
spending is more than the combined totals of spending on education,
environmental protection, administration of justice, veteran's benefits,
housing assistance, transportation, job training, agriculture, energy, and
economic development.

As the poverty rate continues to climb, the FY 2008 budget proposes cuts
of $13 billion in non-military related discretionary spending, including
cuts of $1.4 billion from the Community Development Block Grant; $436
million from Head Start; $1.1 billion from the Low-Income Energy
Assistance Program; $669 million from Special Education; and $111 million
from the Child Care and Development Block Grant.

Feel free to send us your own ideas about how to describe the size - and
impact - of military spending levels. Educating the broader public on this
issue will depend in significant part on whether we can find comparisons
that make these massive numbers real to people.

One last point -- despite spending these huge sums on the military, the
situation in Iraq is getting worse by the day, and U.S. troops are taking
greater and greater risks as a result of shortages of equipment and
training and reductions in down time between deployments. For a big
picture look at the impacts of the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on
the U.S. military, see a new report by David Isenberg on "Budgeting for
Empire" (available at

The Arms Trade Resource Center was established in 1993 to engage in public
education and policy advocacy aimed at promoting restraint in the
international arms trade.

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