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US Religious Leaders Urge Bush to Talk to Iran

A delegation of U.S. religious leaders called for Washington to negotiate
with Tehran, following the delegation's landmark two-and-a-half-hour
meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The 13-person religious delegation was the first to meet with an Iranian
president since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

''It was a very cordial meeting,'' said Reverend Shanta Premawardhana of
the National Council of Churches, an ecumenical coalition that includes
more than 100,000 local congregations and 45 million people in the United

''It was late in the evening. It started at 8:00 PM and lasted until about
10:30,'' he told OneWorld. ''[Ahmadinejad] seemed a little tired. He had
been traveling a lot, but we were grateful that he gave us a full two and
a half hours.''

Premawardhana said the Iranian president told the group of United
Methodist, Episcopal, Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, Quaker, and
Mennonite leaders that Iran has no intention to acquire or use nuclear
weapons. Ahmadinejad also said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only
be solved through political – not military – means.

Upon their return to the United States, the religious leaders called for
direct face-to-face talks between the U.S. and Iranian governments and
more people-to-people exchanges, including among religious leaders and
members of the Iranian Parliament and U.S. Congress.

''The Iranian government has already built a bridge toward the American
people by inviting our delegation to come to Iran,'' the religious leaders
said in a statement. ''We ask the U.S. government to welcome a similar
delegation of Iranian religious leaders to the United States.''

Joe Volk of the Quaker Friends Committee on National Legislation told
OneWorld he found Ahmadinejad to be ''compelling'' in the argument that
Iran's nuclear program was being developed for energy production rather
than weaponry.

''He said 'Look at it practically,''' Volk quoted the Iranian president.
'''Nuclear weapons didn't save the apartheid regime in South Africa,
didn't save the Soviet Union, and why would it save us? Secondly, if we
had nuclear weapons we'd be in a deterrence situation. It's not something
we could use and if we did use them there'd be overwhelming force in the
other direction. We really are not crazy. '''

On Sunday, while the religious delegation was on a plane back to the
United States, Ahmadinejad gave a speech about his country's nuclear

"Enemies have no concern about enrichment in Iran,'' Ahmadinejad said,
according to his country's state news agency. ''They are worried that they
might yield to determination of the Islamic Revolution and lose their
dignity through Iran's access to nuclear technology."

He added, "By the grace of God, enemies will be obliged to succumb to the
Iranian nation's will. Enemies have pinned hope on certain individuals
inside the country who chant for disdain and surrender.''

Reflecting on the speech, Joe Volk of the Quaker Friends Committee on
National Legislation said, ''If you listen to the public rhetoric of the
government of Iran and if you listen to the public rhetoric of the
government of the United States you would say the gap between these two
governments is so great that it simply cannot be overcome. But when you
look at the national interests that the U.S. has stated and the national
interests that Iran has stated, they're much closer together than the
rhetoric would indicate. The differences are relatively small.''

Volk cited a proposal the Iranian government allegedly made to Washington
through a Swiss ambassador in 2003. The proposal, according to former U.S.
Congressional aid Trita Parsi, contained promises to disarm the Lebanese
political and paramilitary organization Hezbollah and end support to other
groups the Bush administration has put on its terrorist watch list
including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The Iranian proposal also supposedly
agreed to recognize a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and promote peace in Iraq.

The Bush administration did not respond to the proposal.

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