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Some scientists eye odd climate fixes

When climate scientist Andrew Weaver considers the idea of tinkering with
Earth's air, water or sunlight to fight global warming, he remembers the
lessons of a favorite children's book.

In the book, a cheese-loving king's castle is infested with mice. So the
king brings in cats to get rid of the mice. Then the castle's overrun with
cats, so he brings in dogs to get rid of them, then lions to get rid of
the dogs, elephants to get rid of the lions, and finally, mice to get rid
of the elephants.

That scenario in "The King, the Mice and the Cheese," by Nancy and Eric
Gurney, should give scientists pause before taking extreme measures to
mess with Mother Nature, says Weaver of the University of Victoria.

However, in recent months, several scientists are considering doing just

They are exploring global warming solutions that sound wholly far-fetched,
including giant artificial "trees" that would filter carbon dioxide out of
the air, a bizarre "solar shade" created by a trillion flying saucers that
lower Earth's temperature, and a scheme that mimics a volcano by spewing
light-reflecting sulfates high in the sky.

These are costly projects of last resort — in case Earth's citizens don't
cut back fast enough on greenhouse gas emissions and the worst of the
climate predictions appear not too far away. Unfortunately, the solutions
could cause problems of their own — beyond their exorbitant costs —
including making the arid Middle East even drier and polluting the air
enough to increase respiratory illnesses.

Kevin Trenberth, climate analysis chief at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research, said mankind already has harmed Earth's climate
inadvertently, so it's foolish to think that people can now fix it with a
few drastic measures.

But at Trenberth's same Boulder, Colo., research center, climate scientist
Tom Wigley is exploring that mock volcano idea.

"It's the lesser of two evils here (the other being doing nothing),"
Wigley said. "Whatever we do, there are bad consequences, but you have to
judge the relative badness of all the consequences."

Studying the concept of how volcanic pollutants could lessen global
warming — the Earth was slightly cooler after the eruption of a Philippine
volcano 16 years ago — was brought to the forefront of scientific debate
last summer by Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen.

"It was meant to startle the policymakers," said Crutzen, of Germany's Max
Planck Institute for Chemistry. "If they don't take action much more
strongly than they have in the past, then in the end, we have to do
experiments like this."

In the past, scientists and others have avoided talking publicly about
these ideas, known as "geoengineering," even though the concept was first
raised in 1965. They worried that the hope of a quick technological fix to
global warming would prevent politicians and the public from making the
real energy sacrifices that they say are necessary to slow climate change.

David Keith, a University of Calgary engineering professor and one of the
world's experts in geoengineering, says that just because tinkering with
the air, water and sunlight are possible, they should not be substitutes
for cutting emissions just because "we've been politically weak-kneed."

Instead, he said, such options should be researched as an "insurance
policy" in case global warming is even worse than forecast. And that
prospect has caused climate scientists to talk about the issue more openly
in recent months.

There is also a chance that discussion of such radical ideas as a volcano
or sun shade could shock the world into acting to reduce fossil fuel
emissions, Keith said.

However, White House science adviser Jack Marburger, said spending money
on geoengineering doesn't make sense. The federal government, which spends
about $2 billion on climate change science, invests nearly all of its
research on energy sources that produce fewer or no greenhouse gas

"I don't think it's scientifically feasible at this time to consider a
plan like that (geoengineering)," Marburger told The Associated Press.
"The real urgency is to reduce carbon dioxide."

In 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change looked at
geoengineering as part of its report on how to lessen global warming. It
found some promise, worried about unexpected side effects, legal and
ethical implications, and concluded that "unlike other strategies,
geoengineering addresses the symptoms rather than the causes of climate

Even proponents of geoengineering research are wary.

"We are playing with fire here," Keith said. "Those of us suggesting we do
something are suggesting it with real nervousness."


Associated Press Special Correspondent Charles J. Hanley in New York
contributed to this report.

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