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Tomgram: Anthony Arnove on the Anniversary from Hell

Four years ago, the United States invaded Iraq. It's the anniversary few
want to remember; and yet, for all the disillusionment in this country,
getting out of Iraq doesn't exactly seem to be on the agenda either. Not
really. Here's a little tip, when you want to assess the "withdrawal"
proposals being offered by members of Congress. If what's being called for
is a withdrawal of American "combat troops" or brigades, or forces, then
watch out. "Combat troops" turns out to be a technical term, covering less
than half of the American military personnel actually in Iraq.

Here's a simple argument for withdrawal from Iraq (suggested recently in a
reader's email to this site) -- and not just of those "combat troops"
either. The military newspaper Stars and Stripes reports that, in January
2007, attacks on American troops surged to 180 a day, the highest rate
since Baghdad fell in 2003, and double the previous year's numbers. Let's
take that as our baseline figure.

Now, get out your calculator: There are 288 days left in 2007. Multiply
those by 180 attacks a day -- remembering that the insurgents in Iraq are
growing increasingly skilled and using ever more sophisticated weaponry --
and you get 51,840 more attacks on American troops this year. Add in
another 65,700 for next year -- remembering that if, for instance, Shiite
militias get more involved in fighting American troops at some point, the
figures could go far higher -- and you know at least one grim thing likely
to be in store for Americans if a withdrawal doesn't happen. (I first
wrote a piece at Tomdispatch, "The Time of Withdrawal" back in October
2003, laying out the full reasons why I thought withdrawal was imperative
and, unfortunately, it remains grimly relevant three and a half years

Today, Anthony Arnove considers what that fourth anniversary means in
Iraq, offering a few figures and comparisons of his own. Arnove is the
author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal, a small paperback modeled on a
famous volume Howard Zinn wrote way back in 1967, arguing for a U.S.
withdrawal from Vietnam. If you want to make the case -- and it's a
compelling one -- to friends, neighbors, workmates, those who disagree
with you, your Congressional representatives, or anyone else, this is
probably the book you should have in your hands. Tom

Four Years Later... And Counting
Billboarding the Iraqi Disaster
By Anthony Arnove

As you read this, we're four years from the moment the Bush administration
launched its shock-and-awe assault on Iraq, beginning 48 months of
remarkable, non-stop destruction of that country … and still counting.
It's an important moment for taking stock of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Here is a short rundown of some of what George Bush's war and occupation
has wrought:

Nowhere on Earth is there a worse refugee crisis than in Iraq today.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, some two
million Iraqis have fled their country and are now scattered from Jordan,
Syria, Turkey, and Iran to London and Paris. (Almost none have made it to
the United States, which has done nothing to address the refugee crisis it
created.) Another 1.9 million are estimated to be internally displaced
persons, driven from their homes and neighborhoods by the U.S. occupation
and the vicious civil war it has sparked. Add those figures up – and
they're getting worse by the day – and you have close to 16% of the Iraqi
population uprooted. Add the dead to the displaced, and that figure rises
to nearly one in five Iraqis. Let that sink in for a moment.

Basic foods and necessities, which even Saddam Hussein's brutal regime
managed to provide, are now increasingly beyond the reach of ordinary
Iraqis, thanks to soaring inflation unleashed by the occupation's
destruction of the already shaky Iraqi economy, cuts to state subsidies
encouraged by the International Monetary Fund and the Coalition
Provisional Authority, and the disruption of the oil industry. Prices of
vegetables, eggs, tea, cooking and heating oil, gasoline, and electricity
have skyrocketed. Unemployment is regularly estimated at somewhere between
50-70%. One measure of the impact of all this has been a significant rise
in child malnutrition, registered by the United Nations and other
organizations. Not surprisingly, access to safe water and regular
electricity remain well below pre-invasion levels, which were already
disastrous after more than a decade of comprehensive sanctions against,
and periodic bombing of, a country staggered by a catastrophic war with
Iran in the 1980s and the First Gulf War.

In an ongoing crisis, in which hundred of thousands of Iraqis have already
died, the last few months have proved some of the bloodiest on record. In
October alone, more than six thousand civilians were killed in Iraq, most
in Baghdad, where thousands of additional U.S. troops had been sent in
August (in the first official Bush administration "surge") with the claim
that they would restore order and stability in the city. In the end, they
only fueled more violence. These figures -- and they are generally
considered undercounts -- are more than double the 2005 rate. Other things
have more or less doubled in the last years, including, to name just two,
the number of daily attacks on U.S. troops and the overall number of U.S.
soldiers killed and wounded. United Nations special investigator Manfred
Nowak also notes that torture "is totally out of hand" in Iraq. "The
situation is so bad many people say it is worse than it has been in the
times of Saddam Hussein."

Given the disaster that Iraq is today, you could keep listing terrible
numbers until your mind was numb. But here's another way of putting the
last four years in context. In that same period, there have, in fact, been
a large number of deaths in a distant land on the minds of many people in
the United States: Darfur. Since 2003, according to UN estimates, some
200,000 have been killed in the Darfur region of Sudan in a brutal
ethnic-cleansing campaign and another 2 million have been turned into

How would you know this? Well, if you lived in New York City, at least,
you could hardly take a subway ride without seeing an ad that reads:
"400,000 dead. Millions uniting to save Darfur." The New York Times has
also regularly featured full-page ads describing the "genocide" in Darfur
and calling for intervention there under "a chain of command allowing
necessary and timely military action without approval from distant
political or civilian personnel."

In those same years, according to the best estimate available, the British
medical journal The Lancet's door-to-door study of Iraqi deaths,
approximately 655,000 Iraqis had died in war, occupation, and civil strife
between March 2003 and June 2006. (The study offers a low-end possible
figure on deaths of 392,000 and a high-end figure of 943,000.) But you
could travel coast to coast without seeing the equivalents of the
billboards, subway placards, full-page newspaper ads, or the like for the
Iraqi dead. And you certainly won't see, as in the case of Darfur,
celebrities on Good Morning America talking about their commitment to
stopping "genocide" in Iraq.

Why is it that we are counting and thinking about the Sudanese dead as
part of a high-profile, celebrity-driven campaign to "Save Darfur," yet
Iraqi deaths still go effectively uncounted, and rarely seem to provoke
moral outrage, let alone public campaigns to end the killing? And why are
the numbers of killed in Darfur cited without any question, while the
numbers of Iraqi dead, unless pitifully low-ball figures, are instantly
challenged -- or dismissed?

In our world, it seems, there are the worthy victims and the unworthy
ones. To get at the difference, consider the posture of the United States
toward the Sudan and Iraq. According to the Bush administration, Sudan is
a "rogue state"; it is on the State Department's list of "state sponsors
of terrorism." It stands accused of attacking the United States through
its role in the suicide-boat bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. And then, of
course -- as Mahmood Mamdani pointed out in the London Review of Books
recently -- Darfur fits neatly into a narrative of "Muslim-on-Muslim
violence," of a "genocide perpetrated by Arabs," a line of argument that
appeals heavily to those who would like to change the subject from what
the United States has done -- and is doing -- in Iraq. Talking about U.S.
accountability for the deaths of the Iraqis we supposedly liberated is a
far less comfortable matter.

It's okay to discuss U.S. "complicity" in human rights abuses, but only as
long as you remain focused on sins of omission, not commission. We are
failing the people of Darfur by not militarily intervening. If only we had
used our military more aggressively. When, however, we do intervene, and
wreak havoc in the process, it's another matter.

If anything, the focus on Darfur serves to legitimize the idea of U.S.
intervention, of being more of an empire, not less of one, at the very
moment when the carnage that such intervention causes is all too visible
and is being widely repudiated around the globe. This has also contributed
to a situation in which the violence for which the United States is the
most responsible, Iraq, is that for which it is held the least accountable
at home.

If anyone erred in Iraq, we now hear establishment critics of the invasion
and occupation suggest, the real problem was administration incompetence
or George Bush's overly optimistic belief that he could bring democracy to
Arab or Muslim people, who, we are told, "have no tradition of democracy,"
who are from a "sick" and "broken society" – and, in brutalizing one
another in a civil war, are now showing their true nature.

There is a general agreement across much of the political spectrum that we
can blame Iraqis for the problems they face. In a much-lauded speech to
the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Sen. Barack Obama couched his
criticism of Bush administration policy in a call for "no more coddling"
of the Iraqi government: The United States, he insisted, "is not going to
hold together this country indefinitely." Richard Perle, one of the
neoconservative architects of the invasion of Iraq, now says he
"underestimated the depravity" of the Iraqis. Sen. Hillary Clinton,
Democratic frontrunner in the 2008 presidential election, recently asked,
"How much are we willing to sacrifice [for the Iraqis]?" As if the Iraqis
asked us to invade their country and make their world a living hell and
are now letting us down.

This is what happens when the imperial burden gets too heavy. The natives
come in for a lashing.

The disaster the United States has wrought in Iraq is worsening by the day
and its effects will be long lasting. How long they last, and how far they
spread beyond Iraq, will depend on how quickly our government can be
forced to end its occupation. It will also depend on how all of us react
the next time we hear that we must attack another country to make the
world safe from weapons of mass destruction, "spread democracy," or
undertake a "humanitarian intervention." In the meantime, it's worth
thinking about what all those horrific figures will look like next March,
on the fifth anniversary of the invasion, and the March after, on the
sixth, and the March after that…

Put it on a billboard -- in your head, if nowhere else.

Anthony Arnove is the author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal (American
Empire Project, Metropolitan) and, with Howard Zinn, of Voices of a
People's History of the United States (Seven Stories).

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