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Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Action Alert

Dobbs' Dubious Disease Numbers
CNN host stands by faulty leprosy statistics


During a May 6 60 Minutes profile, CBS reporter Lesley Stahl asked CNN
anchor Lou Dobbs about a statistic cited on his program regarding
immigrants and leprosy. While Dobbs assured Stahl that his show had the
facts right, he was wrong.

Stahl cited an April 14, 2005 report that alleged that 7,000 new cases of
leprosy, or Hansen's Disease, have been discovered in the past three
years—presumably due to increased immigration.

Dobbs' response was remarkable:

STAHL: We checked that and found a report issued by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, saying: "Seven thousand is the number of
leprosy cases over the last 30 years," not the past three, and nobody
knows how many of those cases involved illegal immigrants. Now we went to
try and check that number, 7,000. We can't. Just so you know....

DOBBS: Well, I can tell you this. If we reported it, it's a fact.

STAHL: You can't tell me that. You did report it.

DOBBS: Well, no, I just did.

STAHL: How can you guarantee that to me?

DOBBS: Because I'm the managing editor, and that's the way we do business.
We don't make up numbers, Lesley. Do we?

While Dobbs' defense—it's true because I said it—might be convincing to
him, it's an odd position for a journalist to take. (FAIR, for the record,
noted that Dobbs misrepresented a study of the costs and benefits of
immigration, turning the study's finding of a small economic benefit into
a multi-billion dollar cost to the nation's economy—Extra!, 2/04.) In any
event, Stahl's numbers are in line with the leprosy statistics compiled by
the National Hansen's Disease Program, part of the Department of Health
and Human Services.

Instead of acknowledging the error, Dobbs went on the attack on his May 7
show, arguing that CNN had quoted a "medical lawyer" who made the 7,000
new cases claim. But rather than provide evidence that this expert's
opinion was right, and the government's record-keeping horribly off-base,
Dobbs simply returned to unsubstantiated assertions:

"It's remarkable that this—whatever confusion, or confoundment, over 7,000
cases, they actually keep a registry of cases of leprosy. And the fact
that it rose was because—one assumes—because we don't know for sure—but
two basic influences—unscreened illegal immigrants coming into this
country primarily from South Asia, and secondly, far better reporting."

A Centers for Disease Control report notes (3/30/07), "The number of
reported cases of Hansen disease (HD) in the United States peaked at 361
in 1985 and has declined since 1988." The Health Resources and Services
Administration reports that "166 new cases were reported in the U.S. in
2005 (the most recent year for which data are available)." So Dobbs can
offer no evidence that there are thousands of new leprosy cases in the
last few years, nor can he point to a rise in such cases; instead, he
claims that "you know, in talking with a number of people, it's also very
clear, no one knows but nearly everyone suspects there are far more cases
of that."

Dobbs' correspondent, Christine Romans, attributed the statistic to "Dr.
Madeline Cosman, a respected medical lawyer and medical historian writing
in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons." The Southern Poverty
Law Center (5/9/07) pointed out that Cosman's PhD was in English and
comparative literature, and described the journal that published her work
in its Spring 2005 issue as "a right-wing periodical whose science has
been the subject of harsh criticism." SPLC quotes Cosman speaking at a
2005 anti-immigrant conference as saying that "most" Latino immigrant men
"molest girls under 12, although some specialize in boys, and some in

Obviously, the fact that Dobbs points to such a source does not vindicate
his journalism; it casts it into further doubt. Dobbs' troubling
contention that if his show said it, it must be true seems to be
preventing him from looking critically at the sources of his information.

Ask Lou Dobbs to retract his inaccurate claims regarding immigration and

Lou Dobbs Tonight

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CNN/U.S. President
Jonathan Klein
Phone: 404-827-1500

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