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Corporate Power Since 1980
Robert Weissman
May 31, 2007

The United States Since 1980 (Cambridge University Press, 2007) is a
superb short work from Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy

In a couple hundred pages, Baker covers enormous territory, reviewing the
rightward shift in U.S. politics, the sharpening of inequality (and
underlying causes), U.S. unilateralism in global affairs, and much more.
He concludes by identifying the U.S. political system's failure to address
three overriding problems: provision of healthcare to all at an affordable
cost, the spiking trade deficit, and global warming.

The distressing effects of corporate power and influence is interwoven
into the narrative of The United States Since 1980, but corporate power is
not analyzed in its own right.

There will be an opportunity to conduct that kind of analysis at an
important conference to be held June 8-10 in Washington, DC. "Taming the
Giant Corporation" will investigate the evolving sources and forms of
corporate power, and how it can be subordinated to people's control
(including by displacing corporations altogether from certain segments of
the economy and society). You can get information on the conference, and
register, at: <>.

What might be the key themes of a book titled, Corporate Power Since 1980?

Some interrelated concepts, not listed in order of importance, would include:

1. Corporate political organization. Big business has mobilized itself
into a dominant political actor, with capacity through its various
tentacles both to frame the contours of big picture policy debates, and to
win narrow legislative battles, at all governmental levels. The
proliferation and strengthening of corporate-backed think tanks, front
groups, lobbyists, trade associations and more, are all evidence of
corporations' dramatically increased political power -- in the United
States and around the globe.

2. Corporate globalization. Big corporations now operate globally, both on
the production and selling side. They leverage the threat of moving
production to drive down labor and environmental standards. They and their
allies have drafted international trade agreements that embed their power
in law, and impinge on the ability of governments to control them. They
have also created massive global trade imbalances, which threaten the
future stability of the global economy. On the seller side, they are
driving a homogenization of culture on a global scale.

3. Corporate concentration. Wal-Mart was an insignificant blip on the
retail radar screen in 1980. It now dominates retail markets in the United
States, with growing power overseas. Big box emulators have concentrated
sales in retail market after retail market. Antitrust concepts in the
United States have fallen by the wayside, evidenced perhaps most
spectacularly in the permitted reunification of the two biggest components
of the Standard Oil breakup, Exxon and Mobil. In sector after sector --
food manufacturing, finance, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, aircraft, defense
contracting, utilities, energy, insurance, hotels, mining, media -- fewer
companies are in control.

4. Union busting. The trend is sharpest in the United States, where there
has been a perilous decline in union membership. The blue-collar
unionization rate fell from 43.1 percent in 1978 to 19.2 percent in 2005
-- a drop of well over half. Corporations' vicious anti-unionism,
offshoring and threats to close plants all contributed to plummeting union
rates -- and the undermining of wage scales and employment conditions for
working people. Similar pressures are starting to be felt in Europe,
though Europe has, so far, largely resisted the degraded standards of the
United States. Meanwhile, the World Bank actually advises countries to cut
back on labor rights in order to be more competitive.

5. Corporate subcontracting. Brand-name industrial firms increasingly
don't make what they sell. Instead, they subcontract the work, often on a
global scale. What might be high-paying jobs turns instead into low-income
or sweatshop work -- and the identifiable company is able to swear off
responsibility for how their subcontracted workers are treated, or for the
pollution or other undesirable aspects of the production and services they
subcontract. Subcontracting functions as a massive escape from

6. Deregulation. The election of Ronald Reagan gave corporations the
opportunity to achieve the roll back of environmental, consumer and
workplace safety regulations -- and they've been rolling back ever since,
often on a global scale. Equally important has been economic deregulation
-- removal of U.S. rules governing how finance, telecommunications and
utility companies can operate, for example. This deregulation has
facilitated massive consolidation, consumer rip-offs and serious threats
to economic well-being -- as evidenced by the Enron scandal and collapse,
which was rooted in deregulation of energy and financial markets.

7. Tax manipulation. Concludes Citizens for Tax Justice in a 2004 study:
"Eighty-two of America’s largest and most profitable corporations paid no
federal income tax in at least one year during the first three years of
the George W. Bush administration -- a period when federal corporate tax
collections fell to their lowest sustained level in six decades."
Corporate political power has led to lowered tax rates and creation of
endless tax loopholes and subsidies. And the spectacular rise of offshore
tax havens has made the tax avoidance business into its own industry.

8. Commercialization. Commercialism has become ubiquitous, in ways barely
imaginable a quarter century ago. Corporate marketers target small
children in the most devious of ways, and advertising is pervasive in
schools. A new speciality known as neuromarketing is doing brain scans to
gain "unprecedented insight into the consumer mind," as one neuromarketer
put it. "Buzz marketers" are employing people to hawk corporations' stuff,
but not tell the friends, family and neighbors they are pitching. Results
of corporate commercialism include an epidemic of marketing-related
diseases such as obesity (rising now in developing countries as well as
the United States), more materialistic values at the expense of civic
ones, and consumption-driven challenges to the sustainability of the

9. Financialization. Wall Street and the global finance sector now exert
an extraordinary grip over the real economy, placing unprecedented
pressure on producing and service companies, and interfering with the
ability of countries to manage their economies. Speculation and hot money,
fueled in equal parts by new technologies and deregulation, give Wall
Street managers enormous power. Meanwhile, the invention of new financial
instruments has injected enormous risk into the global economy -- easily
ignored in good times, and rarely borne by the wealthy in down times.

The recent rise of private equity -- an updated version of the
leveraged-buyout movement of the 1980s -- threatens still further to
destabilize shared social understandings. Private equity firms now pool
vast sums from institutional players (such as pension funds), and then
borrow still more, to buy out publicly traded companies. Hidden from
public scrutiny, the private equity managers typically then seek to
squeeze the companies (and especially their workers), before placing them
back on the market.

10. Enclosing the knowledge commons. The value-added component of making
things is embedded progressively less in the manufacturing process, and
more in the development side -- in the knowledge about how to design and
make the thing. Corporations -- especially in the pharmaceutical, software
and entertainment industries -- have responded by demanding heightened
patent and copyright protections, to give them monopoly control over
information and knowledge -- even though that knowledge is typically
extracted in significant measure from the public domain. One manifestation
of this movement is the imposition of a global patent standard, leading to
skyrocketing drug prices in developing countries.

11. Global environmental and public health treaties. Not every trend has
seen corporate power deepened. With many problems globalized, citizen
activists have managed to push successfully for some legally binding
global solutions, often in issue-specific treaties, including ones to
address the hazardous waste trade, pesticides and other pollutants,
tobacco control, and protection of the ozone layer.

12. Popular movements to curtail corporate power. Beyond specific advocacy
efforts around treaty-making, there have emerged robust advocacy and
solidarity networks to counter corporate malfeasance, influence and
demands. From winning improvements in working conditions to blocking bad
trade deals, from lowering the prices of essential medicines to blocking
biotech companies' efforts to experiment on humans and the environment on
a planetary scale, from supporting indigenous peoples' rights to blocking
destructive dam projects, these networks have scored important victories.
Relatedly, a series of mass mobilizations have occurred to challenge
corporate dominance, and popular movements have linked up and created
growing countervailing power in national and international spheres.

But while an historical perspective on Corporate Power Since 1980 does not
offer an unyielding picture of corporate supremacy, the predominant trend
is toward dramatically heightened corporate power. Indeed, by far the most
serious barrier to addressing each of the three overriding problems that
Dean Baker highlights as challenges for the United States -- affordable
healthcare for all, the trade deficit, and global warming -- is overcoming
entrenched corporate practices, privileges and prerogatives.

Robert Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational
Monitor, <> and director of
EssentiaAction <>.

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