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Troy Davis is scheduled to be executed next Tuesday, July 17th.  He was
sentenced to death seventeen years ago for the murder of Police Officer
Mark Allen McPhail in Georgia. The case against him consisted entirely of
witness testimony which contained inconsistencies even at the time of the
trial. Since then, all but two of the state's nine non-police witnesses
from the trial have recanted their testimony. Many of these witnesses have
stated in sworn affidavits that they were pressured or coerced by police
into testifying or signing statements against Troy Davis.

Despite mounting evidence that Davis may in fact be innocent of the crime,
appeals to courts to consider this evidence have been repeatedly denied
for procedural reasons. Instead, the prosecution based its case on the
testimony of purported "witnesses," many of whom allege police coercion,
and most of whom have since recanted their testimony. One witness signed a
police statement declaring that Davis was the assailant then later said "I
did not read it because I cannot read." In another case a witness stated
that the police "were telling me that I was an accessory to murder and
that I would...go to jail for a long time and I would be lucky if I ever
got out, especially because a police officer got killed...I was only
sixteen and was so scared of going to jail." There are also several
witnesses who have implicated another man in the crime but the police
focused their efforts on convicting Troy.

Despite these compelling facts, Mr. Davis' habeas corpus petition was
denied by the state court on a technicality -- evidence of police coercion
was "procedurally defaulted" so the court refused to hear it. The Georgia
Supreme Court and 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals deferred to the
state court and rejected Davis' claims. On Monday, June 25, The United
States Supreme Court refused to grant certiorari in Mr. Davis' case. All
of his avenues of judicial relief have now been exhausted and an execution
date has been set.

Please urge the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to commute the death
sentence of Troy Anthony Davis. Check out the following links, and take
action as soon as possible. You’ll find a link to letters that only need
to be printed, signed, and mailed or faxed.  Time is running out- the
board decides whether Troy Davis lives or dies on Monday, July 16th.

With a little effort, you can save a man’s life.  The state of Georgia is
refusing to hear recent evidence and testimonies including the recanting
of key eye witnesses, some of whom have reported police coercion.  These
emergency letters are really his best chance at stopping the execution of
a man that may be innocent. Please act now!

Information from Amnesty International:

Link to the NY Daily News Article:

Listen to the report that aired on NPR:

Link to Postcard to Send on Behalf of Troy to the Georgia Board of Pardons
and Paroles:

Link to Letter to Send on Behalf of Troy to the Georgia Board of Pardons
and Paroles:

For more information on Troy Anthony Davis:

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