----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Keyan Tomaselli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 6, 2006 1:40:21 AM
Subject: Memorial: Arnold Shepperson

Joe please post on Peirce List.  Many thanks.  Keyan

Condolences have been received from all over the world.  

Obituaries have been posted on the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
LAN, the International centre for Qualitative Inquiry, Arisbe and the
South African Communication Association websites. A memorial was held at
UKZN today.

Many of Arnold's colleagues  have inquired about the possibility of
donating to a fund for the education of Arnold's adopted young son,
Eddie-Lou.   The family is left destitute with the passing of Arnold,
and donations would be appreciated.   Registering at a good government
school in South Africa requires the payment of hefty fees by parents.
The fund will be admistered by myself, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli and Marc
Caldwell, all of UKZN.

Funds can be electronically transferred to:

Name of account:  Arnold Shepperson
ABSA Flexi Save account no.      917-200-1854
Branch Code:  632005
Swift code:  ABSA ZAJJ

The address of the bank is

ABSA Campus Branch
Howard College Campus
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Durban 4041
South Africa

Cards and e-mailed condolences can be sent to Keyan.   These will be
passed on to the family.

Donors should please let me know by e-mail that they have donated so we
can thank each personally.

Keyan Tomaselli, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, Marc Caldwell and graduate
students, CCMS
John Collier and Julia Clare (Philosophy)

Keyan G. Tomaselli
Research Director and Outreach Coodinator
Culture, Communication and Media Studies (CCMS)
Howard College Campus
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Durban 4041, South Africa

Past President
South African Communication Association
South Africa

Tel: +31 260 2505
Fax: +31 260 1519



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