"Lars Olesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I want to read keywords from the exif data of a picture? I need to
> use it to sort a lot of pictures, but want to make sure, that the
> information stays in the picture. Is there a specific tag to use to
> save keywords, that PEL can read?

Well, there seems to be no tag for keywords as such, but the Exif
standard (http://exif.org/specifications.html) says that the
UserComment tag can be used:

  A tag for Exif users to write keywords or comments on the image
  besides those in ImageDescription, and without the character code
  limitations of the ImageDescription tag.

Of course you will have to use your own format (perhaps separate the
keywords by ', ') and other programs wont recognize the keywords. So
it is not an ideal solution.

Martin Geisler  ---  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ---  http://mgeisler.net

Read, write, create Exif data in PHP with PEL:       http://pel.sf.net
Take control of your webserver with PHP Shell:  http://phpshell.sf.net

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PEL-devel mailing list
  • Keywords Lars Olesen
    • Re: Keywords Martin Geisler

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