At 21/05/01 16:07 -0700, you wrote:
>>>Now the IMF might become a "world Fed," managing the world's money, but 
>>>I think that the US power elite would oppose that. It likes the way the 
>>>actual Fed manages things.
>Chris B. writes:
>>Sure. Change will not come without a battle.
>it doesn't seem like a battle we want to get involved in, since it 
>involves a conflict between rich-country capitalist elites.

Why should that be beneath the dignity of the privileged but progressive 
citizens of the hegemonic capitalist country of the world?!

Even if what Jim describes is the true reality of the global economic 
system and not merely the surface reality, why should that preclude 
progressives taking up this battle if it is a battle that must be fought?

I know Jim Devine is no dogmatist and I ask him to appreciate that the 
blows might fall on the sack but they are aimed elsewhere. There is a 
Trotskyist opinion in marxism space that the dispute between the rich 
imperialist countries of the Second World War was no business of the 
proletariat, and the alliance of the Soviet Union with Britain and the USA 
was an opportunist alliance, and that the world united front against 
fascism was an opportunist united front.

Now when it is the bounden duty of all progressives in the world, 
*especially* those in the USA, (who also happen to dominate English 
speaking email lists) to further a world united front against US 
hegemonism, this viewpoint is extremely harmful and adds to the inertia of 
any serious attempt to integrate theory with practice, which of course is 
always difficult.

Let us go back to Jim's proposition.

>it doesn't seem like a battle we want to get involved in, since it 
>involves a conflict between rich-country capitalist elites

That zealous, even at times over-zealous, Marxist, Lenin, argued "Why does 
it follow that 'the great, victorious, world' revolution can and must 
employ only revolutionary methods? It does not follow at all."

[The Importance of Gold, November 1921]

He personally dirtied his own hand:

"I very well recall the scene when, at the Smolny, it was my lot to hand an 
act to Svinhufvud - which in Russian means 'swinehead' - the representative 
of the Finnish bourgeoisie, who played the part of a hangman. He amiably 
shook my hand, we exchanged compliments. How unpleasant that was!"

[On the Party Programme, March 1919]

Back to world strategy at present, is the following injunction out of date 
for progressives enjoying the comfort of living in the world hegemonic state?

"a rule which will remain fundamental with us for a long time until 
socialism finally triumphs all over the world: we must take advantage of 
the antagonisms and the contradictions that exist between the two 
imperialisms, the two groups of capitalist states"

[Speech to a Meeting of Activists 6th December 1920]

Chris Burford


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