>The point of the debate is to understand (1) what caused capitalism 
>(a mode of production unlike any previous one, with its own distinct 
>laws of motion);

No, that is your point and I do not accept it. It is framed in such a way
as to vindicate the Brenner/Wood thesis. I know and you know that as soon
as you mention 'modes of production', a whole set of consequences flows
from that. But it does not address the reality of Latin American
capitalism, which took an entirely different course. In B. Traven's
"Jungle" novels, you have marvelous scenes--which scholars say are based on
a careful observation of Chiapas life--in which one lumberjack talks to
another about how they ended up in the camp. Some were debt peons, others
were wage laborers. But whether they were paid a wage or whether they
worked to pay off a debt, the class relations were virtually identical.
This kind of class relation existed since the early 1600s throughout Latin
America. All of it is capitalist, whether or not it conforms to the 'mode
of production' that existed in a Manchester textile mill. In 19th century
England market competition necessitated rapid technological innovation and
a free labor force. In 19th century Mexico or Peru, mining, lumberjacking,
etc. did not require rapid technological innovation nor could it depend on
a free labor force, since Indians had the most stubborn tendency to run
away. But all of it was capitalism. All of it.

> (2) what caused modern colonialism, chattel slavery, 
>imperialism, maldevelopment of the periphery, etc. to arise; &
> (3) 
>what caused the end of chattel slavery & various old forms of modern 
>colonialism while at the same time giving rise to neo-colonialism 
>under the aegis of Pax Americana -- with an assumption that an 
>accurate grasp of history may help us in political struggles.

Aw, I was all set to answer the question of how colonialism arose, but now
you pile chattel slavery, imperialism and maldevelopment of the periphery
on top of it. This is not fair. I am taking my ball and going home.

Louis Proyect
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