Sept. 10, 1994
Nancy, I have heard it on TV, one of the network news; it did not 
indicated the source. I am puzzled too. If the United States is #1 in 
competitiveness, why can't the trade deficit doesn't come below the $100 
billion mark?
Fikret Ceyhun
Dept. of Econ, Univ. of North Dakota
University Station, box 8369
Grand Forks, ND 58202
(701)777-3348 voice;    (701)777-5099 fax

On Fri, 9 Sep 1994, Breen, Nancy wrote:

> I don't know how it's ranked, but the U.S. is #1 this year
> Nancy Breen
> National Institutes  of Health.
>  ----------
> From: pen-l
> To: breenn
> Subject: competitiveness index and New Zealand
> Date: Friday, September 09, 1994 7:15AM
> A friend informed me that New Zealand had ranked ninth on the most recent
> world competitiveness scale.  Does anyone know what this is and how it is
> calculated?
> Mark Laffey

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