On Sat, 22 Jul 1995, Marianne Bruen wrote:

>       Today there was a march and demonstration in front of
>       the US Embassy to stop the "legal lyching of Mumia
>       Abu Jamal".  It was not a large crowd, by Berlin
>       standards, yet quite impressive, considering it was
>       initiated mainly by groups considered to be the far left.
>       Marianne Brun                                           
Does anyone know whether there are demonstrations at the state
capitol in Pennsylvania or at the governor's mansion?

Fikret Ceyhun
Dept. of Economics                      e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Univ. of North Dakota                   voice:  (701)777-3348   office
University Station, Box 8369                    (701)772-5135   home
Grand Forks, ND 58202                   fax:    (701)777-5099

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