I am appalled by the intolerance shown against one member of this
group. I always pride ourselves on the left as tolerant, democracy loving,
multiracial and multicultural people who entertain different thoughts
whether those thoughts we agree or not. We are not a monolithic group,
first. And secondly, there is no place for AD HOMINEM arguments here. This
medium is a platform to debate ideas and issues, whether those ideas are to
our liking or not. If we don't agree with those ideas, at least courtesy
requires that we try to disprove or be quiet. But don't prevent others to
read or be exposed to them. Nobody has god-giving role to decide what we
should read and what we should not. Let us not become like religious right
to censor the media whether it is print, TV or internet. As the saying
goes: "treat others as you would have them treat you." Or if you find some
piece to be offensive, you have a choice of not reading, just like
switching TV channels. But, don't deny other for the opportunity to read
and discuss.

        I have been observing postings on PEN-L for quite long time and the
group have discussed wide variety of issues. Why some of us can't now
discuss the issues that Shawgi Tell raises if desired so. Shawgi does not
force anybody to read or discuss his postings. Or is it that some of us
have more privilege to choose what topics to be discussed? I have a grave
concern for the narrow-mindedness and such narrow-mindedness has no place
here. Let us act like mature intellects.

                                                Fikret Ceyhun

+Fikret Ceyhun                                  voice:  (701)777-3348 work +
+Dept. of Economics                                     (701)772-5135 home +
+Univ. of North Dakota                          fax:    (701)777-5099      +
+University Station, Box 8369            e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
+Grand Forks, ND 58202/USA                                                 +

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