I forwarded the press release about the child prostitution conference
posted here to Tracy Quan, a prostitute and writer who is among the
luminaries of Prostitutes of New York (PONY). Though she has a curiously
Marxist-feminist past, Tracy is now a libertarian.

Doug Henwood


Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:22:45 -0400
From: Tracy Quan
Subject: [PEN-L:4235] Forced Labor: The Prostitution of Children

When commenting on the following press release, please don't use the
"Tracy Quan said"  format! I am very disgusted with the following
information but I think you should all know about it.

The idea of a special event to address child labor in the sex industry is
utterly stupid. Child labor in the sex industry should be discussed and
seen in its proper context. These people are cynically exploiting
curiosity about a sexual subject so they can go to a conference. It's
pretty obvious. If they want to end child labor, they should be discussing
contraception, education and family size. Education for girls in
developing countries isn't as erotic to these ne-er do wells, but it would
actually do a lot more for the cause of eliminating child labor than a
child sex *boondoggle* in Sweden.... I say "education for girls" because
the (male and female) children of these future women are going to be in
much better shape than are those whose mothers can't read. It is less
likely that they will be deprived of an education.

This press release refers to a "profitable" sex industry which exploits
children. Ironic, isn't it.  I'm sure the non-sexual industries which
employ children are actually making a lot more money! Mining,
manufacturing and agriculture? I think there's more money in these
industries than there is in sex -- partly because you can export the
products pretty easily.

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