>>> Rod Hay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/18/00 06:43PM >>>
This is closer to what I believe, Charles. But even so. It is likely that a revolution 
that starts anywhere but the US or Western Europe would quickly be bombed to oblivion.


CB: Yes, this is part of the Neo-liberal triumph. It is a true triumph in the military 
sense. We are living in the days of the Evil Empire. Life imitates art.

However, I think that low level revolutionary advances may be made as in liberated 
territories within the global empire, as in Cuba, China, etc. These can be expanded. 
It may become possible to avert military attack and take over, as Cuba has.


 Even in US or Western Europe, it must be a mass democratic upheaval, rather than a 
small group coup d'etat.


CB: If it is not a mass democratic upheaval, it is not communism (Marxism). The masses 
will likely have leaders. This is basic, and it would be sabotaging the working masses 
movement and strategy to try to deny it leaders, as the bourgeoisie itself has 
leaders, and will in such a sharp class war as a revolutionary upheaval or 
insurrection. Unity is critical at the moment of insurrection. At the same time, even 
in the insurrection, the working class must strive to have leaders in its ranks. With 
the top leaders interchangeable with members from the ranks. This is the contradiction 
of democratic centralism taken beyond bourgeois conceptions of it, and the working 
class masses must always strive for better democracy and better centralism than the 


Charles Brown wrote:

> I'd say it more this way, Rod.  There is no successful socialism without it 
>eventually being a world revolution. But that doesn't mean that the world revolution 
>starts everywhere at the same time.

Rod Hay
The History of Economic Thought Archive
Batoche Books
52 Eby Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 3L1

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