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From:          "Robert Naiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       PEN-L and Mozambique cashew nut case
Date:          Thu, 27 Apr 2000 13:16:32 -0400


I'm only half-on PEN-L at the moment, but I see there's been some discussion
on the cashew nut case. I think it's important for people to know that
Krugman didn't bother to read the details of the case; we have him on the
economics. No reference to capitalism necessary, Krugman is just wrong. As I
said in my letter to the NYT -- they refused to run this part -- Krugman's
sloppiness shows why it's a bad idea to let foreign economists dictate
economic policy to developing countries.

Could you post something on the list -- like the link to the article by Joe
Hanlon that set Krugman off -- the article clearly shows why the World
Bank -- and Krguman in defending it -- were wrong on the economics.


And here is FAIR's page on the dispute.



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