Patrick Bond asked,

>Why stop at the (broadly-characterised) point-of-production?

and argued convincingly for:

>Corporate campaigns aimed increasingly at both the power and
>vulnerability that characterise firms' financial relationships. 

To which I would add, that the strategic state policy framework for the
dominance of finance is NAIRU -- the North American Initiative for
(W)Recking Unions (more commonly known as the Non-Accelerating Inflation
Rate of Unemployment).

Tactical targeting of firms' financial relationships would be most effective
within a comprehensive anti-NAIRU strategy. Which, at the risk of repeating
myself, brings me back to the struggle for the generalized reduction of
working time.

Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications  |
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA   |          "Only in mediocre art
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |        does life unfold as fate."
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