"Perhaps a rubbish heap is, after all, the best image for the rough jumble
of jurisdictions, laws, budgets, regulations, evasions, habits, agencies and
officials that together make up the policy apparatus of the state.
Certainly, nothing could be more fanciful than those austere, pyramidal
'organization charts' that purport to describe the official structures,
priorities or procedures of government. The state is not a hierarchical,
hieroglyphic tree; it is a stinking, rotting, seething heap. And this
description is not meant to be derogatory..."

"...the treasure I have found in the rubbish heap is a tiny, perfect policy
proposal for creating an estimated 30,000 new full-time, well-paying jobs in
Canada at no cost to the government, to employers, to the environment -- at
no cost to anybody. Thirty thousand jobs at an average salary of $35,000 a
year would be worth a total of over a billion dollars."

For the full text of this presentation to the discussion session on "Coping
with Daily Life in an Era of Unrelenting Technical Change" at the Southern
California Conference on Technology, Employment and Community, go directly to:


The session will take place at the conference in Los Angeles on Saturday,
November 23, 1996 at 10:15 a.m.


Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications  |
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA   |          "Only in mediocre art
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |        does life unfold as fate."
(604) 669-3286            |
     The TimeWork Web: http://mindlink.net/knowware/worksite.htm 

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