I've just read a monograph titled _Adjusting Hours to Increase Jobs_, by
Robert Clark, published in September 1977 by the (US) National Commission
for Manpower Policy. Clark's central analysis was that US government tax
policy over the preceeding 50 years created a significant bias toward
overtime and against employment and he made some recommendations for
ameliorating that bias, namely tax credits to be applied against payroll
taxes for new hires and reassessment of the tax exempt status of employer
payed fringe benefits.

I need two pieces of information: Who is Robert Clark? and whatever became
of his policy recommendations? I suspect that Robert Clark may be Robert L.
Clark, an economist at North Carolina State University. In 1975, Robert
Clark co-authored a book with Juanita Kreps, who subsequently went on to
become Commerce Secretary in the Carter Administration.

Any leads will be appreciated.


Tom Walker
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