At 08:47 AM 7/9/97 -0700, James Michael Craven wrote:
>purported CEO "marginal productivity" or MRP. Often, behind the slick 
>suits, executive penthouses and the trappings of executive power, one 
>finds individuals who might best be described as fluff n' puff, 
>predatory, machiavellian, superficial, sycophantic, calculating,
>narrow, myopic, cliche-based, corporate creatures whose real MRPs, if 
>they could be really calculated, would be closer to that of a pimp or 
>a counter person at Mc Donalds. Just watch some of these business 
>programs and when these imperial creatures deign to give an interview-
>-highly structured and mostly softball questions--many 
>unintentionally reveal themselves to be quite empty and devoid of 

Jim: You do an injustice to the hard-working minimum wage workers at
McDonalds.  Unlike the CEOs about whom you speak, they actually work for
wages, earn their paychecks, and suffer the indignities of fast-food
exploitation.  By comparison, CEOs are just large-scale thieves.

In solidarity,

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