> Date:          Thu, 23 Oct 1997 13:27:09 -0700
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Kevin Phillips, who I read regularly in the L.A. TIMES and hear on (U.S.)
> National Public Radio, seems to be a leftist Perotist. I don't think he's a
> leftist (and it's nauseating to think that he may be counted as one of the

He's a left populist -- wants to curb but not 
destroy corporate power and reduce but not 
eliminate inequality.  Perot never spoke much 
about inequality, whereas it has been one of KP's 
main preoccupations.  KP has also long been 
critical of balanced budget mania, which of 
course has been Perot's main issue.

> few leftists in the capitalist press). It was Ross Perot who got him out of

That would be news to me if true.

It is nauseating that ideas germinated years ago 
by left academics have not gained a hearing and 
legitimacy until KP put them forward.  But that's 
on the media, not KP.

> the Republican orbit. It's possible that he's being shunned by the
> inside-the-beltway crowd, encouraging him to be more independent in his

KP is a consummate i-t-b person in everything but 
his ideology and analysis.  He's not shunned at 
all.  He's just in a minority.

> thinking, allowing him to be more populist. He's also always been much more
> historically-minded in his analyses than the vast majority of pundits.
> That's a good thing. 


Max B. Sawicky           Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Suite 1200
202-775-8810 (voice)     1660 L Street, NW
202-775-0819 (fax)       Washington, DC  20036

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Policy Institute.

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