> Rakesh Bhandari wrote:
> >Tom, there has been a lot of talk about this odd coalition against US
> >participation in the IMF bail-out of South Korea, Indonesia, etc. Aside
> >from labor dinosaurs and eco-freaks, so rudely brushed aside by Rubin, who
> >are some of the powerful members this odd coalition? What are they so
> >angry about?
> The "eco freaks" include quite a few mainstream organizations, who used to
> be pro-NAFTA. The "labor dinosaurs" probably wouldn't take this position;
> it's New Labor, whose days may be numbered, that's taking it. There are
> about 50 members of the Congressional "progressive" (or in Alex Cockburn's
> word, pwogwessive) caucus.And don't forget the right-wing Republican
> back-benchers. All of them agree that this is a bailout of irresponsible
> financiers at the expense of people who work for a living. Didn't Max
> Sawicky say the other day that only 1/3 of Congress is behind the $18
> billion IMF appropriation now?

Yes I said it.  I was relaying the view of an 
authoritative source who works on the Hill.  It's 
not a backbench thing.  It's a matter of the core 
political leadership of the nation, or the real 
'executive committee of the capitalist class' -- 
the Administration (as of two weeks ago, at 
least) and Gingrich's cabal -- having the burden 
of selling the bailout to a dubious Congress 
which has no compelling reason to support it and 
a good many to oppose it.

I would suggest this underlines the fundamentally 
representative nature of U.S. democracy, deformed 
though it is by the inordinate influence of 

"Labor dinosaurs" and "eco-freaks"?  I don't know 
whether to run out of my house screaming or 
transmit RB's address to the Unabomber.

Politics is an interesting and important subject. 
I would commend it to you all.  The "____ 
for Dummies" books seem to be quite popular.


Max B. Sawicky           Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Suite 1200
202-775-8810 (voice)     1660 L Street, NW
202-775-0819 (fax)       Washington, DC  20036

Opinions here do not necessarily represent the
views of anyone associated with the Economic
Policy Institute.

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