Ajit Sinha:
>Sometime ago, Mr. mitchell's newly found "Mate",  Louis Proyet, went on an
>attack on my character on 'Marxism' list--a list I have never subscribed
>to. He wrote two three posts against me, and when I was informed about it,
>I couldn't understand what was going on since i have never met Louis proyet
>in my life. Then in one of the post he went on to say things like "It is
>really a terrible shame that you [Paul Zarembka] and your mandarin of a
>co-editor [ajit sinha] have gathered any prestige from the publication of
>that journal you preside over. Those poor professors everywhere, trying to
>get published by the likes of you, are like dogs begging from scraps from
>the table. You know the reason your co-editor [ajit sinha] keeps bouncing
>from job to job by the way. He is the most arrogant man on the planet and
>his students, to an individual, hate his guts." This is a man I have never
>met, and I'm sure he has never met one student of mine in his life. It does
>not take a Sherlock Holmes to figure out whose bidding Mr. Proyet is doing

I have never had any discussions with Bill Mitchell about you. My only
encounter with Bill Mitchell, as a matter of fact, was on PEN-L over 2
years ago when he kept calling me a "prick" in the course of a flame-war.
It had erupted over Michael Albert's sanctimonious intervention into PEN-L
reprimanding me for calling the people at Z Magazine a bunch of
disorganized anarchist slobs. Ah, the good old days!

At any rate, in the course of a flame war over on the Spoons-list which
pitted Jerry Levy and Paul Zarembka against all the evil "Stalinist" fallen
angels and their Lucifer Louis Proyect, I decided to take off the gloves. I
charged Zarembka of putting out a journal that had the reputation of being
a hoop that leftish economics professors had to jump through in order to
add publishing credits to their curricula vitae.

My only experience with Ajit Sihna is at a workshop he gave at an URPE
summer camp over a decade ago. I went to the silly conference expecting
that there would be discussions of the American economy, the crisis in the
USSR, etc. Instead what I got was a talmudic exegesis of V. 3 of Capital
from Sinha. I walked out of the bungalow with my head spinning. I told
Henwood that was it for URPE. Never again. I should have asked for my money
back from the URPE organizers for false advertising.

I should add by the way that one of the reasons I used to be so
antagonistic on PEN-L was that it reminded me too much of the sort of
pointless, academic bullshit that went on at that URPE gathering. I think
it is a much more interesting space right now, while others who want to use
it to discuss what textbooks to assign their freshmen class might differ.
That's what makes life interesting. Differences of opinion.

Louis Proyet [sic]

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