> maxsaw wrote:
> > In the early 1970's, productivity growth dropped
> > in the U.S., well before most of the talk of
> > globalization.  This trend can explain much of
> > subsequent U.S. political economy without need
> > for reference to globalization or
> > universalization of the market:  the need to
> > reduce wage growth, attack unions, cut public
> > spending, etc.
> The better answer is that the previous period was exceptional.  I suspect that
> the reason includes the spin offs from the intensive scientific efforts
> associated with WW II.

Either way the implied emphasis on the idea of a 
sharp shift in globalization or capital mobility 
around 1980 is reduced.


Max B. Sawicky           Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Suite 1200
202-775-8810 (voice)     1660 L Street, NW
202-775-0819 (fax)       Washington, DC  20036

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Policy Institute.

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