James Devine wrote:

>I thought that the point of left politics in the 1990s was not to oppose
>the old left vs. the new, etc., etc., but to try to seek a synthesis,
>criticizing the lefts both old and new (ruthlessly, of course, to use
>Marx's word), but while rejecting the "bad," also trying to find the "good"
>on both sides and bring them together as part of a coherent whole.

By coincidence, inspired by the collapse of the Spoons Marxism lists, I'm
about to start up a mailing list that will focus on doing exactly that - to
try to move towards some synthesis across the disabling virgules in the
following: old/new left, marxism/postmodernism, class/identity,
"cultural"/"real" politics, particularist/universal, economics/culture,
etc. Not sure of the exact details yet, though I'd like it to be born on
May 1.

Interested parties contact me privately.


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