C. Valis,

        The morality is there but the vehicle is not.  People want to be
better to each other.  Americans overwhelmingly support the idea of
workers owning their companies.  For that reason, conservatives try and
pass off the fact that working people have moved some of their pittance
from banks to mutual funds as *evidence* that working people own the means
of production (a bizarre argument).  Ross Perot used a slogan "You are the
owners of the country" when he was big (and full of crap).  Modern
management theory with its "team" bullshit tries to foster or at least
labors under the illusion that management and workers have the same

        Leninist socialism takes advantage of none of these trends. 
Instead it casts about vainly for a laundry list of issues and outrages
meant to stimulate interest in and support for "the Party".  The question
people are asking is not "What is happening?  What is going wrong?" 
because if they even allow themselves to think about it (rare in this
country) it's perfectly obvious. The question they are asking is "What's
the alternative?  How can it work?  Where will the money come from?" 
These are not only valuable questions, but decisive ones.  The statist
model of socialism is simply a bad answer to these questions.  That's why
it's dead.


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