The Chase Manhattan response boggles the mind as Wojtek
has noted.  On reflection I have some advice to Doug that,
rather than annex Canada (which has been the US response
for over a century to the upstart pretentions that some
other people on this continent have that they might
prefer some other, more humane and democratic system
than that in our neighbour to the south), all he really
needs to do is take out a membership in a Canadian credit
union, have his cheques deposited there, and then withdraw
his money through a Credit Union (bank) card.  You get the
current exchange rate with only a 1 or 2 dollar service
charge.  And you can actually use your credit union card
at the local bank machine of the Chase Manhattan bank!

Oh, and about the annexation of Canada.  I should note that
the US citizens of the NorthWest Angle of the US on lake
of the Woods are petitioning congress to secede and join
Canada because of the rotten treatment they are getting
from the US.  I just hope the US Government gives them the
same support in their seccession movement as it gives to
the Kosovo terrorists.

Paul Phillips,
University of Manitoba.

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